New Lowrance for 2007
They have made some upgrades but I haven’t had a chance to see it in action yet. They have developed a new GPS module, the LGC-3000. I was told that the connection is supposed to be more watertight and there are some improvements to the module but I don’t know what they are yet. Maybe Doc Samson has some knowledge on this???
Anyways, you can see on the back of the new units (at the link above) that the red connector is only for the network (GPS) but is still blue for the transducer and power cables. You’ll also find a new feature, the 5-pin Ethernet expansion port compatible for radar, video and satellite radio. The LMS-520C also has the improved SolarMAX display. There are more details on the LMS-520C at Jolly Ann Marine.
Below is the back of the new LCX-113C HD for reference: