GPS opinion/recommendations (gps/sonar…Handhelds)

  • camren
    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Hey guys. I received a lot of great help here last time, so I would like to hit everyone up for their thoughts and options again.

    Here is the deal, this is what I have. Marcum Lx-3tc (love it) and a Rino 120 (worked great, also loaded with map source lake map). The problem: My Rino is going out, the screen is going black and it takes a pretty good bump to get it back. So I am in the market to get a new gps. BUT I am trying to decide what to do.

    First question:
    I would love to switch to Lowerance products but then all of my mapping and waypoints are no good, and I would have to remap all of them. So should I stick with Garmin or is the switch worth it, and or is Garmin going to catch up in the lake map area in the next couple of years?

    Seconded question:
    Going to a sonar/gps unit. My brother in-law just bought the Lowerance 334c which is sweet getting the gps and sonar in one. But that unit is a little tuff to take along in the pocket for hunting (marking and tracking big game). Thought about selling the Lx-3tc and getting one of them, then buying a cheapo hand held for my other uses. But is the flasher good quality like the Lx-3?

    I guess it comes down to is my Lx-3 worth giving up for something like a 334c or should I just upgrade my hand held unit to something nice?
    I also noticed Wade is doing some great deals and I wish I could do business with him, but I strict orders on my spending limit so I am using my Cabela points.

    Thanks for everyone’s help, it is greatly appreciated.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    No matter what flasher you have, don’t give it up..not worth it!!

    I run the Lowrance H20C with the Lakemaster chip and couldn’t be happier. For the price the function is unbelievable. It took me an hour to convert all my old Garmin waypoints, but well worth the time. That way I sorted through them at that the time and got rid of a bunch.

    I vote for keeping your flasher and getting a handeheld that is affordable and functional.

    Check out Wade at He has a GREAT deal going on the H20C and the Lakemaster Contour chip if you fish MN or WI.

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Hey Scott.
    Thaks for the info and the great deal on the Lx-3 (year ago). I am leaning towards the H20, have you used the Hunt version in the Ifinder? I am also interested in that, but want to make sure it meets my ice fishing needs also.
    P.S. anyone looking for a good flasher at a great price talk to Scott.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Hey Rooster….I would strongly suggest getting a H20!!! They are a breeze to operate and can covert all your waypoints very easily as well….just takes a few hours…
    The Hunt is a good GPS strictly for Hunting, has a better compass than the H20 that is about it!! Ifinder is also a good unit, but has a slower processor! (takes longer to read the chip than a H20)
    I would not give up your flasher like Scott mentioned either…the 334 is a good unit just tough to be portable when hunting!
    Just my 2 cents!!!!

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Thanks Calvin

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Seems the H20 is the ticket, is it worth getting the color?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Color is a must in my opinion. I have several B&W units, the newer ones are better but I would never buy another one!!

    Posts: 701

    I second the other motions – keep the flasher and get Lowrance.

    I’ve had an H20 for about 18 months. I LOVE IT. It goes EVERYWHERE with me, every darn trip. I have a suction cup mount and I slap it on the windshield. I downloaded about 1/2 the US off map create and all my good Lakemaster/Navionic chips work in it. Plus I put a mount on my ATV. Nothing like driving the ATV right to the spot!

    Plus I can switch out all of my spots from my boat which is all Lowrance just using a cheap sd card.

    Mine is the BW but color would be nice I’m sure, I’m not sure how much faster the Color eats batteries, I’ve heard it does but don’t honestly know.

    I had my H20 in my fishing bag a year ago in Cabo and marked all the spots where we caught fish on our charter. (I asked and the captain wasn’t fishing the next day and he didn’t care, it was just a reference to get close to the tuna again anyway so you don’t think I’m unethical).

    The next day we went out with a friend and his spots died so we went over to ours. ONLY because I had it along, his boat GPS died and there we were 30 miles out with my cheapo Lowrance leading the way while his 5k unit was gorked! Best tuna I ever ate lol

    I really couldn’t be happier with my H20. Perhaps the best 169$ I ever spent.

    Get it at JollyAnn btw, it will be to you in hours.


    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    As Scott say’s the H20C is hard to beat with lakemaster chip. The color unit is a must in my book also.Big thumbs up on both. Jolly Ann is the place to purchase, Wade is hard to beat!!

    Posts: 711

    i just got a new H2O c from jollyann, ordered it on friday and when i got home from work on tuesday i had a package waiting for me i was like a kid in a candy store, opened it up read the manual and figured i was all set to go. today i dropped it of at ups to send back to lowrance it was defective ( menu button didn’t work) i did talk to someone at lowrance and they had me try a couple of things and then said to send it back and they would replace it they also told me i could go through the place i bought it from but apparently they don’t have phones in iowa or i would have called jollyann and see which way i could get the fastest turn around now don’t get me wrong i’m not here to bash any body i got a good price and fast delivery from jollyann and good service from lowrance all i was looking for was a phone number and i couldn’t find one for jollyann and i under stand with electronics this can happen it was just a let down because now i’m a week to 10days out to get my gps as i said i’m NOT bashing anybody i would do the same thing again i just needed to babble

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Jolly Ann has their phone number on their site. Just in case you might need it in the future it is accessible by clicking on the “help & information” tab near the top of the page. Then choose “contact info.”

    The phone number is in the first block of info you’ll see.

    (712) 204-3952

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I’m still stuck and confused as to why a person needs color on a handheld GPS?

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    WOW the H2O or H2Oc sounds like the next best thing since sliced bread. I hate to pay the price but I have to get it at Cabela’s due to the budget and I have some points to use up. Since the house,marriage,now kid on the way, and some additional schooling the budget is a little tight.

    Thanks again for the info.

    Color or not? That is the question….
    Right brain says: get it and spend the money, your toy fund is $0 in a few months.
    Left brain says: what do you need color for, save a little money and get a case of beer maybe two.

    Posts: 711

    hay james thanks ( for making me look like a complete idiot as apposed to a half idiot) but that is good to know because i’ve been looking at ordering more stuff from them
    i like the prices and the prompt service

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    I’ve got the H2OC GPS, the Lakemaster and Navionics chips. Best combination out there in my opinion. Why do you need color?….well you don’t, but how many of you watch Black and white TV? How many of you sold your black and white tv because you could get color? It’s a $100 bucks…but WELL worth it. I see people buy the cheaper version, only to buy the color one soon after…..and spend that much more. Do it right the first time. Either way, a gps is better than no gps.

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    h2o/c and lakemaster, the best there is for hand held the color is great

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    I have owned both H2O’s and the color with either chip is kick tail over the black and white – for contours and plot trails – trolling runs etc. It was a trip saver at Mille Lacs this fall as my buddies older sonar/GPS wouldn’t run the new chip he had brought along – so we trolled using the H2OC and it worked just great – go color and get the high def chips and have fun!!! It’s definately worth the extra shillings. Chuckles

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Once agian Thanks for all of the insight.

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Follow up, Got the H2Oc and love it. But does any one have a good idea on how to get more out of the batteries? They made it about a day of on and off use.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Follow up, Got the H2Oc and love it. But does any one have a good idea on how to get more out of the batteries? They made it about a day of on and off use.

    Turn the light to dim. Use rechargeables and carry an extra set. If you’re ice fishing, I suggest that you rig one of the smaller 12v batteries, like the ones for a flasher. You can get those alligator clips with a female recepticle to connect to the 12v battery so you can use the H2OC 12v power adapter. Obviously, this setup won’t work for everyone, but works great for some.

    Posts: 24

    Another battery option is AA lithiums. I have a pair in my H2O, left it on practically all weekend, and it used less than 1/4 of the battery. They’re not rechargeable but last a heckuva lot longer than alkaline batteries.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I have the H2O black and white and really like it. If I were to buy one today I would get the color one if I could afford it just because its color I guess. The black and white works great though. All my gps and sonar units are b/w and I haven’t bought any color ones yet because I know once I buy one I will want everything switched over to color and can’t afford that. lol. Buy some rechargeable batteries and a charger for them. Also carry an extra set of batteries with you. When I use my H20 in my jon boat I have it hooked up to my battery. They are very nice units and take the Navionics and LakeMaster chips. And the prices are lower now than they use to be. Can’t beat Wade at Jolly Ann Marine Electronics for prices on any units and chips.
    Thanks, Bill

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I second the Litiums I put them in in May or June and still almost full. I do only use it on occasion in the warm months without the 12v cord but have ran it alot the past 6 weeks ice fishing.

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Sounds like I will be stopping on the way home for a pack of litiums.

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