Any ideas for a homemade full length auger cover

  • bcwilliams
    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I’m trying to make a cheap protective auger cover (tube). Looked into PVC but couldn’t find 10″ at Menards. Any ideas???

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Get a piece of PVC pipe threaded on one end. Dope a cap onto the non threaded end. Cut a u out of a threaded cap. Slide the auger into the pipe and slide the cap on and twist. Done.
    Did that make any sense? It is really very easy.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    Where can I find 10″ PVC??? Menards doesn’t have it and I doubt if Homeless Depot has it either. I like your idea …. Great minds think alike! ;}

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    The stuff I use was left over from work.
    I will talk to a couple guys tomorrow at work and see where a guy can pick some up. I know where you can get 20 foot lengths but you sure don’t need that much.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    Thanks GH! Maybe if there is enough interest on this thread we could find a few guys to go in on a 20 ft piece. I don’t want to spend much more than $10 for a 3-4 foot length.

    Posts: 1025

    Might want to call your local water plant they usually have some sitting around in smaller sections (I know we do).

    Posts: 3241

    How about a sonotube (used for concrete
    Might not last as long as pvc but cheaper and
    lighter. (easier to find than 10″ pvc)
    You may get a few years out of pc. if you don’t
    throw it around.

    Post a picture of what you eventually come up


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Put a call into any local excavation contractor. They usually have sections laying around from Storm sewers.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I was thinking of using a sonotube with a 5 gallon bucket on the end to protect the blades. Might get a couple years out of it. Of course I’ll have to use some good Old Duct tape to hold it all together…. Might even duct tape the whole thing. Probably have more into duct tape than the sonotube!

    Posts: 3241


    I’d try and fit the entire auger into the sonotube
    and eliminate the bucket on the end. (notched for
    I’d leave the end open for the ice and water to drain
    out, or cap it with something with some drain holes in
    it. Maybe the lid of a bucket, cut to size, with a few
    holes in it duct taped on.
    I think the tube itself would last without the duct tape
    if you did something to the ends to keep the water out.

    Good luck and post that pic. when your done.


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    ha..I purchased on of those otter auger covers not knowing it was purple and can’t bare to use it cuz it looks like a giant purple condom…

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I’ll give you $25 for it! Go Vikes!

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    nah, I’m going to spray paint it black. and if it doesn’t stick, I’ll take the otter sticker off and have someone make me a great big Trojan sticker

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