Has anyone broken through the ice with their ARGO? Just curious how they perform getting out??? Also… do the pillow blocks or bearings freeze up still like mine used to?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Outdoor Gear Forum » ARGOs and Ice …. Which one wins????
ARGOs and Ice …. Which one wins????
Posts: 1399January 4, 2007 at 8:52 pm #518551A few years ago I was in the market for an Argo (bought a boat instead!) anyway the dealer let me borrow one with tracks for deer season to see what I thought of it. It was a conquest so I didn’t have to change tires or anything, just pull the pin and drive off the tracks. My buddy and I drove that thing thru everything possible, and I mean EVERYTHING! We first used the tracks and purposely drove on a frozen beaver pond to see what it would do and we broke thru in several places and had no problems at all getting out with the tracks, BUT…..without the tracks we were not so lucky and needed to winch ourselves back to shore! These machines are AWESOME, they will go thru anything, but two tips for you. Buy the smaller track system and get an Argo with the smaller tires…the little bit of clearance you lose by having the smaller tires is GREATLY offset by the cumbersome task of having to change tires everytime you want to use the tracks and by not having to deal with the axle extensions.
I’m always amazed more guys buy wheelers over an Argo.
They will do so much more and they float! I suppose a lot of guys want a smoother ride and to go faster, which Argos lack in both categories, but that’s the only disadvantage they have over a wheeler that I can see. They will go 30 mph which on ice seems fast enough to me!
Posts: 1399January 4, 2007 at 11:12 pm #518633All depends on which model and what options. I think on the low end around $6800 on up to around $14K for the new Avenger with options. If you go to route6x6.com you can find some good deals on used ones!
January 5, 2007 at 12:03 am #518673I thought it would go through the ice better without the tracks since the amphibious tires are what propel it but I suppose having the tracks on would get you out of the ice. I have tracks on my Bobcat and they were slick as can be…. I wish it floated .
I’ve used ARGO’s bear hunting getting back into the Chengwatana swamps in Pine City. They do go through the loon sh*t. I have another idea for a Winter ice mobile project up my sleeve. I’ll let all you guys in on it after its complete. Cross your fingers … and toes!
January 5, 2007 at 12:21 am #518685My Uncle has one with tracks..it does infact go thru pretty much anything…with or without the tracks it still had trouble getting out of the ice…this depends a whole lot on the load and if it broke all the way thru…if your all the way thru or are loaded down its very tough to get back up on the ice as the tires/tracks are below the top of the ice and it cant jump up..also the thing is always needing something fixed on it…that could be because it gets used a lot too but he has two wheelers and will never buy an argo again..good luck…jay
January 5, 2007 at 4:05 am #518807We used an older one (early 90’s model) for hunting swamps. The pillow blocks on the frame didn’t hold up. The drive sprockets didn’t hold up either. I remember one time we were 3 swamps into Chengwatana Forest bear hunting and a pillow block seized up. Had to walk through loon sh*t up to our waist. I’m just glad we didn’t get a bear. I’m sure they are made better now. I was wondering if they are hydrodrive yet. I haven’t looked at the new ones yet but I would think that would be the way to go. Mucho torque and no moving gears.
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