Ice Scratcher ….. Do they work????

  • bcwilliams
    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    Great idea to propel a boat over a frozen lake but what happens when the boat breaks through the ice??? Does the scratcher wheel have enough torque to bust the ice or better yet get the boat back onto the ice??? Just curious.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    This is what every fisherman should have. No more walking or driving on the ice and the risk of breaking through with your vehicle. If you break through the ice, this ice scratcher(boat) will float and keep your hiney out of the freezing water. It is a 14 foot flat bottom boat on skies powered by a 6 1/2 horse engine that runs a 2 foot spiked wheel that pushes the boat across the ice. It travels approx. 25 MPH now but you can gear it easily to go faster or slower. I use it on the Mississippi backwaters on the frozen sloughs and lakes. It’s great when you need to travel a long distance on early or late ice or any ice for that matter. It can haul 3-4 adults and gear easily.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You will have to ask Dezurik. He loves these contraptions.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Now THAT is badass. You have no idea how handy that would be down here in NE!!!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Didn’t James (or somebody) post a video last year with a contraption similar to that?

    It looks really cool, and a much safer way to get on the thin ice.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I thought vegetarian was an old indian word for bad hunter ;}

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    Ya.. I saw a few posting but no one answered my question about getting the contraption UNSTUCK in the ice after it breaks through. It looks like it would be a nightmare.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I have some digital video of herb’s scratcher in action.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Ya.. I saw a few posting but no one answered my question about getting the contraption UNSTUCK in the ice after it breaks through. It looks like it would be a nightmare.

    Wouldn’t anything that broke through the ice be a nightmare to recover? I think the idea is your transportation will not sink to the bottom if it does…. Plus you can carry 5-6 people or a ton of gear no problem. It has it’s time and place and is one neat contraption!


    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I guess if I was going to build one of these I would want it to be able to get through broken ice too. Maybe an air boat is the way to go.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I guess if I was going to build one of these I would want it to be able to get through broken ice too. Maybe an air boat is the way to go.

    Or a Hovercraft. They are gaining in popularity.

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    What if there is snow on the ice does it still work? Turn? or is it for clean ice only?

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    A hovercraft would be nice but can you haul much gear in them? I had a friend that used one on the river and he was always worried about tearing the air boot that goes around it. They are slick though.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    They do not turn well if there is deep snow on the ice at least the one I rode in many years ago didn’t. It zipped right along though. It doesn’t turn on a dime anyway but add snow on top of the ice and you either have to stop and turn it by hand or have a large area to turn it around. I knew a guy who had one up in the Prairie du Chien area many years ago. He has been gone for 20 plus years now and I have no idea what ever happened to his ice boat. It did not have nearly the framing that the one in the photos does. If I remember correctly the rails were attached to the bottom of the boat and only raised the boat maybe 8″ off of the ice.


    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I see in my abscense there’s been questions about the ‘scratcher’.
    What James Holst said in another thread about getting out if it breaks through the ice is the best answer for that situation. And what Jon Jordan said about it’s usefullness is very good.
    I’ll try to touch on some questions and comments.
    First and foremost, make sure you have plenty of ice if for no other reason than to prevent breaking through. If the rig is not set up right, or if the ice is not very thick, getting out can be a bugger. I always felt safe on a minimum of 4″ of ice. I’ve traveled over thinner ice, but I don’t like it. There’s always the thought in the back of your mind, ‘what if I can’t get to good ice to get out on so I can pull the rig back out’? This what I always carried with me in the boat; 12ft push pole, 100ft of rope, ax, cell phone. The reason for the rope and ax is in case I couldn’t get it pulled out by hand, I figuired I’d make and use a “spanish winch”. I don’t have time to explain what that is but maybe some of the other river rats on here can today. I’ve never had to use it .
    On clean ice, they will turn on a dime, but you better be sitting still when you do. While moving, I’ve never ever had to have anybody get out of the boat and help turn it. You don’t want to mess with the pulley and gear size to get more speed. These things don’t have brakes and too much speed will get you in trouble. The best way to stop them is to slow down well before your destination, or just shut the motor off and drop the wheel on the ice, and use upward pressure on the steering handle.
    The one I have has hauled or pulled 1000lbs of fish at a time when my family still commercial fished. For many years it was the only legal transportation for us trappers on the river.
    That’s about all I have. I hope Blue Fleck can add some thing here cause I know he has experienced the thrill also.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Had a couple people ask for pix and a look at the digital video. The first link here si a short video clip of the scratcher scratchin’. You will need Quicktime Player to view. (Download free at

    Scratcher Video

    Here are a few pix….


    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    Did you make the motor/drive? I was wondering if the drive wheel had carbide spikes or if it was just cold rolled all the way? Neat video… That thing really moves!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Should have mentioned the scratcher is herb’s. I’m pretty sure it’s all steel.


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    First and foremost, make sure you have plenty of ice if for no other reason than to prevent breaking through. This what I always carried with me in the boat; cell phone.

    Great idea, so if you do go through and you cannot get back up on the ice, you can call for help. Then during the rescue, time isn’t as important because you are not in the water.

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    You will have to ask DeZurik. He loves these contraptions

    I have no idea what you are talking about?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Having any nightmares or breaking out in coldsweats looking at Herb’s machine?!?!?!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Steve broke his ankle behind a 4 wheeler.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    How big is the lawn mower engine on that thing?? That’s a cool idea!!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    The teeth are cut from hardened key stock.
    The motor in the video and photos is off my 5horse power washer. It originally came with an 8hp techumseh. the 5er did me fine for the most part but the 8 will give you more lugging power for travel in crusted slush and heavy snow. You won’t get any more speed because both motors put out the same rpms.
    Thank you Jon j
    Steve, has the arthritis set in yet?

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Very cool work Herb

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