Problems with Magellan Sportrak Pro

  • millelacsjumbos
    Posts: 125

    I bought my Sportrack Pro on EBAY about three months ago. It worked perfectly for the first two and a half months. However, as of late, it has been acting funny. The signal it is receiving is very weak, and usually non-existent. It used to acquire six or seven satellite signals in the basement of my house, now I’m lucky to pick up one or two while driving in my car. More often than not, I have no signal at all. At first, I thought it was the batteries. So I changed those, and nothing happened. Then I figured that if I reset the system it may fix the problem. After deleting all of my waypoints, I found that didn’t work either. It crossed my mind that Magellan may have a satellite down or something? I’m not sure. To me, the GPS is acting as if it was dropped, but I know it wasn’t. Because the last time I used it deer hunting it was fine, and it sat in my closet for two weeks until I took it out ice fishing. Any suggestions?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Did you buy it “used” or is it under warranty? They’ve been discontinued for a while now.

    Posts: 125

    Yes, I bought it used. I updated some of the software and it seems to have helped somewhat. But it is still nowhere near what it was when I first received it.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Shoot! Well, it’s tough to say with it having been used. Who knows what it’s been through before you got it. It may be something with the internal connections, or possibly the antenna. Without a warranty there is little you can do. I’m guessing it won’t be worth sending in for repair but you might contact Magellan: Magellan Support

    For next time, think about getting Lowrance or Garmin. They should give you better map options for this area and you’ll probably have an easier time getting tips and service.

    I hope you get it resolved!

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    I have a old maggelan 4000 and it won’t turn on and i called maggelan and they don’t service them any more and offer a trade in progam but i was still money ahead to buy a new lowrance, i would call them, you never know it could be a simple fix..

    Posts: 1027

    Can’t help you but I know its not a Magellan satellite issue as Magellan doesn’t own them.

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