Doc Samson’s Lowrance School Announced

  • nick
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Nothin’ in MN yet, I’d actually like to see on early spring in the metro, probably won’t have the boat out again until then.

    Thanks for the headsup

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I’m trying to get Doc to do one in Omaha, Nebraska too. He generally does one in MN and probably will in the near future. He has to work these around his tourney schedule and his family life. I would expect to see something near the TC area again though.

    Posts: 8

    I got to spend some time with doc on the water this past season, his use of electronics on the water is second to none.
    If your looking to advance your electronics skills attend one of these classes, worth the money. The classes usually start in early feb. Hes doing alot of aerial photo overlays with depth lines and gps capable mapping. If you want to point at a spot on a picture and go to it, this is for you! Paul

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I’d love to see him do one in Omaha!!! I thought about going to the one he had in Lowrance, Ks last year but had a schedule conflict!! I have both of his dvd’s and would like to pick his brain at one of his classes!! Especially sine I got rid of my Garmin’s and went to all Lowrance units!!!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Ben, you’re from that area. I told Doc I thought he would easily get 40 people to attend. Do you agree?

    I suggested Cabelas or Bass Pro as a location in the Omaha area. Do you have other ideas as far as a location goes?

    I would think we could put an announcement out through the NWA and the NWT if Doc decided hold a Lowrance School in Omaha. That would get quite a few people by itself I would think.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I think he would have a good turn out in Omaha or Lincoln. Bass Pro had the Next Bite School there this spring and had a great turn out. They have a large room that would accomidate a class this big. I sure would like to see this happen. Anything I can do to help just let me know!!!

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I have been thinking about Omaha as a location. I have to finish scheduling my close to home locations first as this a bad year for me to travel on weekends. Some day I may travel more but after being gone all summer at tournaments, there aren’t many weekends for family left. The classes are a fun part of my job. I actually get paid and a thank you at the same time. Electronics are complicated in the beginning and it feels good to get people started on the right path. I also will be doing some seminars for LakeMaster. Their updated software works much better. I have used it for years so they hired me to do some seminars to teach how I have been using it. They will list the dates here for 2007.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wade, I didn’t tell you but I went to Doc’s LakeMaster class last week. Doc had the NEW LakeMaster Mapping software set up for viewing on an overhead projector so we could see what he was doing at any time.

    He even helped me with some of my routing problems.

    But when he really won me over was when he saved a waypoint as a catfish spot! The IDA guys behind me groaned…but Doc and I bonded at that moment.

    I doubt that he will forget me.

    Back to seriousness here…The reading of maps prior to going fishing on them has been around for…well, a long time. It’s an awesome feature to be able to find the location that a person wants to fish on a certain lake, mark them with waypoints, name them, save each lake in a file and then load that lake into your gps with very little time spent. 2006 it’s an amazing year for electronics!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Brian, I’m sure Doc will have a hard time forgeting you… no matter how hard he tries.

    Doc, Keep us posted on any event changes. We can also do another Q and A here if you’re willing.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    Let’s do tyhe Q & A in Jan. I grew up fishing catfish on the Red River in northern North Dakota. Bank fishing for catfish is a great experience.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Let’s do tyhe Q & A in Jan. I grew up fishing catfish on the Red River in northern North Dakota. Bank fishing for catfish is a great experience.

    You got it Doc!

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