problems w/my Lowrance 332c…got any suggestions?

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I have this unit mounted on my Crestliner, and it actually works real fine. My issue is this: when I go over 4 or 5mph, it’ll read, but it won’t show me any fish or anything like that. I know you should be able to fine tune it so it’ll read at 30mph and at least show you shad schools and stuff like that. I had the transducer mounted so that it’s just skimming the top of the water, like it’s supposed to be mounted (about 1/8″ below the bottom of the boat). Then I moved it down so more of the ducer was in the water, and I’m getting the same exact results. I do have a transducer mounting plate back there too, and am wondering if that could be causing some problems as well. What do you guys have for suggestions for how I might be able to get a better reading while going faster?

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I’d guess it’s in a poor location, where you’re probably getting too much turbulance 4-5 mph is pretty slow to lose reading, about the speed most boat start to make some decent wake off the back of the boat. I may still be a depth issue. I can pick up bottom at 55 mph with my 332.

    Posts: 113


    I’d guess it’s in a poor location, where you’re probably getting too much turbulance 4-5 mph is pretty slow to lose reading, about the speed most boat start to make some decent wake off the back of the boat. I may still be a depth issue. I can pick up bottom at 55 mph with my 332.

    I agree, also have the transducer tilted towards the front of the boat at approx 10 degrees this will read better. if you still have issues try moving the ducer to the other side.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Brian, most problems with transducer not reading end up being air.

    If you’ve mounted it directly behind anything on your boat that allows air/bubbles to cross the surface of the ducer…you’ll have speed problems.

    You might want to have someone in the back of your boat watching to see that it’s in the water while moving. The only other thing would be (that I’m aware of) is a bad transducer…but that doesn’t sound like the case here.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Thanks for the replies guys! I’ve got it on a Crestliner, so there are no rivets to cause any air problems on the bottom of the boat. Right now, I’ve got it lower on the boat, so I know it’s completely in the water. I can read the bottom at 35mph, but that’s really about it. I just thought I might be able to fine tune it somehow.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    My issue is this: when I go over 4 or 5mph, it’ll read, but it won’t show me any fish or anything like that. I know you should be able to fine tune it so it’ll read at 30mph and at least show you shad schools and stuff like that.


    I can read the bottom at 35mph, but that’s really about it.

    Are you trying to see fish on your finder at high speed? I don’t think that is possible.

    Check out this tutorial .

    I went to one of the sports shows last winter, and they had a seminar on using Sonar. Very informative…keep an eye out for another this winter.

    Posts: 687

    You should be able to see fish at those speeds but it easy to mistake them for garbage. Instead of the nice hook they show up as almost vertical lines.
    From time to time I go out with Bruce Samson prefishing or checking out mapping I do for him. Sitting in on his class he has some really nice samples that show the difference in low and hi speed readings on fish. I’m not sure but I think some where on his web site he might have that posted too.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    Transducers can fail. If it isn’t turbulence then it may be the transducer.

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