shoulder mount

  • cweber01
    Posts: 95

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a taxidermist? A guy at work got his first buck last weekend…a nice 10 pointer and would like to get it mounted.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Where are you located? I know a good one in SE MN.

    Posts: 95

    we’re located in the Minnetonka area…how far would the one you know about be?

    WBL, MN
    Posts: 95

    Gulden’s in Rochester, MN…really detailed. Reasonably priced…my last couple deer were done there (about $450).

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Greenfield Taxidermy in Greenfield Mn. (just west of Minnetonka) Jim has done ducks, fish and the deer in my photo for me. Excellent job! (763) 498-8400. Any chance you would like to look at mine he did for me this past year, just let me know. He really is very good…RR

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    I will take my deer to only one taxidermists, I am very particular about this and this guy does an excellent job. Artistic Taxidermy in Richmond,MN. He is a young guy who is not burned out with shoulder mounts and takes pride in his work. He lets you choose what form you want not just the typical semi-sneak that most people go with, There are a ton of different positions, sizes, ear position to do, etc. His name is Josh Linn 320-333-1476. His fish especially L.bass, northern and walleyes are sweet too! I believe $375.00

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    Midstate Taxidermy in Spicer, MN. This is all he does, not a hobby. It shows 320-354-2147

    big g

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Cweb, have you check out Lakeland taxidermy just west of you on Hwy 7. I have not used him, but am told he does good work. I can get you a # if you want, let me know.

    Posts: 95

    thanks for all the great info everyone! I’ll pass it along.

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