I don’t typically change my factory hooks. I have broke a few and straightened others at times due to using superlines. I switched to spiderwire stealth this year after trying fireline and power pro in years past. I can’t remember losing a single bait this fall, compared to the $150.00 worth the year before.
I run the St. Croix pro glass rods in 7′ med action. I believe this along with the loosened drag are both beneficial to hook ups on the nights when the fish are finicky. However, most nights up there the fish seem to hit like freight trains. 
As far as running mono, I don’t believe you will have more success with it vs superlines. Likely it will cost you a large # of baits. At least if you fish any rocky areas.
I would be sure all your baits are in tune. This isn’t always easy to determine with only a few feet of line out. Key point you will see James make in his video presentation. Get on the water early enough to test run most/several of your goto baits to be sure they are running correctly. This can be done after dark, but you should be concentrating on catching fish at that time.
Lastly, I only run a snap clip on my superline, no swivel. I use the polomar knot to attach with. I also like to have a split ring on the nose of my baits. Not required, but some baits it does seem to add more action.
As with everything in fishing, I have my ways, others have theirs. None are right or wrong, some nights it works, others not so much and it’s time to help old ladies cross the road.