Thats kind of a whole new ballpark that we talk about on IDA all the time. The two choices are lakemaster and navionics chips. You had mentioned you want to use this for atv and snowmobile riding. The lakemaster chip includes very detailed maps of roadways. I was up snowmobiling up north last year and that Lake master chip saved me because it also has forest roads and firelanes on the map. Thats how detailed it is. You also mentioned you would like it to cover the upper midwest. Lakemaster chips go by state, whereas Navionics covers the entire region you described. I guess a person can’t have everything
The chips are around 100 bucks. Without chip you’re on the lake blind in terms of contours.
Its not just 3 of us that recommend the H2O,….Theres hundreds of people from this site that would recommend it 
Your best setup and best bet is to pick up an H2O or H2Oc, depending on what you have to spend,….And pick up one of the chips. Wade is the goto man for both. He offers packages which include a chip and the unit itself. Say no to tax and buy from wade!