Wade Thanks for the heads up. Will Lowrance be dropping the price on the 332c before the 520c’s come out?
I have also considered buying one of the units with a HardDrive, but I have been told that the maps are all older, not as detailed, and inaccurate. Is this true?
No, The price will remain the same as they don’t have enough volume to fill current orders.
A lot of the maps on the HD units are not as detailed as what you will find on Navionics Premium or Lowrance Lakemaster maps. The maps for the great lakes are decent, and some of the southern states have pretty good mapping, but again, it’s not the quality of mapping you will find on the Premium or Lakemaster. Whether oone chooses an HD unit or a regular unit plus additional mapping will depend on what waters one fishes. Also, there are additional benefits to the HD units besides the lakemaps. The 2007 HD units will have a 30GB harddrive instead of the current 20GB. The additional memory allows for even more recording of sonar and GPS data. Guys from the Doc Samson school of marine electronics love that sort of stuff!