Yamaha F150 4-stroke vs. Evinrude Etec?

  • jkalander
    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 16

    I’m purchasing a new Alumacraft and am down to the details of choosing the motor. I’ve narrowed my choices to the Yamaha F150 4-stroke or the Evinrude Etec 150. Anyone have good/bad experience with either of these motors? Any thoughts on ongoing maintenance of a 2-stroke vs. 4-stroke?

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Tough choice…I’m sure you will get a lot of supporters for both.

    I run a 115 F4 Yammy and I cant imagine a better, more dependable motor but the Etec guys love them too…

    Probably will end up deciding between whether you want a two or four stroke and the best price.

    Posts: 1399

    I have a Tounament Sport 175 powered by a Yamaha 150 4-stroke. I haven’t had any mechanical problems in two years….that’s running it A LOT, even all winter! I can tell you speed-wise the fastest I’ve gone is 53 mph, but usually only does around 47 wide-open with 2-3 people and gear, etc. It trolls down to about 1.8-2.0 mph at the slowest. One thing about that motor that I love is it’s SOoooooo Quiet! I can talk to passengers in the boat without hollaring and that is going wide open! Not saying I don’t hollar in the boat, I do evertime Rocky hooks a big fish, I just don’t have to due to that Yamaha 150. Don’t know squat about the E-tech except that I don’t like the way they look….to each their own, right? Good Luck!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    I was in the same situation you are about 3 months ago when I was shopping. Had it narrowed down to those 2. Price was what drove me to the Yamaha F150. I am very happy with my choice so far. I have about 20 hours on the motor and not one complaint. That motor is awesome! When you compair the two in performance it is so minimal, with the e-tec being better that I wouldn’t make that the determining factor. The average person is not going to notice 3 tenths of a second hole shot. The E-tec sounds sweet when it go’s by on the water. No matter which one you choose I am sure you will love it.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    I have 3 friends who have the F150 Yamaha, and I just upgraded from a F115 to the F150 as well. I had a deal cut where the price of an e-TEC 150 was the same as a new 2006 Yammie 150..and I ended up taking the Yammie. I’ve only got a few hours on it but can tell you performance is wonderful, 51.7 mph, alone but full load of fuel and all my gear including kicker, electric, anchors etc. on a Lund 1700 Fisherman. I got 38 on my Yammie 115 4 stroke. The guys are right on quiet…I can’t believe it. It is quieter than my 115 was. As I came into the Lake City Marina last week all you could hear was the water pee stream into the lake….just whisper quiet. That sounds like a fairy tale but it’s the truth. So far, economy seems to be better than my 115 was only because I had to hammer the 115 pretty hard to get some speed and this one loafs along at 4500 rpm and 40 mph. I was really hot on the details of the eTEC but have forgotten the hype now and just smile everytime I fire up this 150. BTW, I’m running a 19″ SS prop on the boat and it turns 5600 WOT.

    Posts: 64

    To each his own, but if an E-TEC is available get it. BRP is way behind on orders for E-TEC’s in the 115hp-200hp small block. Yamaha is a good solid motor, but comparing the two side by side…well look at my screen name.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 16

    Just came back from the dealer … he has a used 2004 Honda BF 150 (4 stroke) with a very attractive price. Anyone hear good/bad opinions about this motor?

    Posts: 16

    I just picked up my 150 E-tech and my 1850 Crestliner Fish Hawk this past week. I am extremely satisfied with this motor!!!!! It gets me up out of the hole in an instant. I am going to have my dealer put on a different prop this week because i am not getting my max rpms. I have a 21 pitch prop and I am getting 51 mph at 4700 rpm. (measured with gps) I am supposed to be reaching around 5200-5300 rpm and this 150 e-tec is not even fully propped out yet. If I were you, I would strongly consider the E-tec. This motor just has me so excited about fishing. I had to wait awhile to get the motor (since February) But man was it ever worth the wait! I just cannot believe how quiet this motor is as compared to my friends 150 hp mercury optimax and the yamaha 150 hp. I ran side by side with both of them this afternoon and let me tell you I blew them both out of the water. Later on this afternoon when the winds picked up I had this boat out in 3-4 foot waves on Lake Winnebago for a test run and it really performed awesome! I highly recommend the e-tec motor! Good luck with your decision!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Check out the weight of the Honda’s compared to the Etec & Yammie. In the past, it was a considerable difference. I have not stayed on top of new motors lately since I’m not currently in the market.

    What about warranty??

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I have a 21 pitch prop and I am getting 51 mph at 4700 rpm. (measured with gps)

    Holy smokes… that’s one fast 1850. I ran an 1850 with a Yammie 150 HPDI and I could barely touch 48 on a good day with perfect conditions. That’s one STRONG motor.

    The Etecs I’ve drove have been incredibly impressive.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Is 4700 max RPM’s for this motor?? Seems low, if that is the case, you should be able to slip down to a 19 pitch and really see what your top end is.

    Posts: 64


    Is 4700 max RPM’s for this motor?? Seems low, if that is the case, you should be able to slip down to a 19 pitch and really see what your top end is.

    It’s 4750-5750rpm’s.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 12

    I sure like the E-Tec on my 1800 Explorer SS. Got a 19″ BRP SST on it. Turns 5300 RPM at 52 GPS. Probably got 12 hours on it so far. Runs like a scalded dog. Like rj said, you are on plane now.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    RJ, I have same problem. ETec is so strong I have to get a bigger prop than what was recommended with the boat. I have only had my 225HO ETech for a couple of weeks but the power is scary while at the same time the quiet operation is unbelievable. It is very smooth and clean.

    BTW have you seen this commercial discussing ETech vs. 4 stroke? click here.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 16

    I went with the Etec and absolutely love it. Quite, fast, starts instantly … only question is the prop. Currently have a 21″ prop and I’m not getting the RPM’s or speed I had expected. The Alumacraft web site recommends 21″ for this boat, but I’m thinking that a 19″ might be a better performer. Any opinions?

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    That’s funny I had just the opposite problem and the prop the computer recommended was too small and had to go up 2 steps. Maybe there is just too many variables.


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    I have a F150 Yammi and love it. Many times I forgot it was even running, so darn quiet. Fuel efficient, yes! Just returned from Rainy Lake, ran all over for two days, three guys in the boat plus gear, used a quarter tank of gas.
    No experience with the 150 e-tech, sounds like a really nice motor. It would take alot of convincing to ever get me away from buying another Yamaha. Good luck in your purchase.

    Posts: 16

    Hi guys…I’ve had a few instant messages regarding my current setup on the 1850 Crestliner Fish Hawk with my new 150 HP E-tec engine and the 21 pitch stainless prop. I have my dealer ordering a 19 pitch stainless steel prop and I have not been able to try it out yet. The new prop has been on backorder. My dealer is expecting to get it later on this week. As soon as I get to try the new 19 pitch stainless prop out I will share the results with you all.

    The other question is that once I got past the first 5 hour double oiling period did the motor’s performance seem to change? I honestly cannot tell the difference. i must say i do notice less smoking with the engine, but as far as the engine RPMs and speed of the boat, I really cannot notice any difference in the motor’s performance. Even during the first 5-hours there really was not that much smoking of the motor. The engine is running very smoothly and so far I have nothing but very positive things to say about it.

    If anyone else has the 19 pitch stainless prop with the 150 hp e-tec could you please share your info just so we can all use it for comparison purposes.

    Thank you

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    RJ, as I recall the manual of my ETech said to not add oil as it could damage the engine. Did you add oil to the gas when say “double oil?”

    BTW I never see smoke. Are you using the XD100 oil, the XD50 or something else. You have to use what the computer is set for.


    Posts: 16


    i didnt add any oil to the gas. my computer is set for the xd100 oil and i’m using the xd100 oil. The computer automatically uses extra oil from the oil reservoir during the first 5 hours of use. that is what i mean by “double oiling”. The only oil that is being used is from the oil reservoir. There was very little smoke at all during the first five hours and after the first five hours of run time i do not see any smoke at all now. I’m just strickly running what the dealer told me to do.


    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    OH OK sorry. I misunderstood and it alarmed me. I guess I missed that part about the computer adjusting it. I have been using more oil than I expected maybe that is why. I used a gallon last weekend and it surprised me. I should be beyond the 5 hours now so I’ll see if it gets better.

    Outboards sure aren’t simple anymore.

    Posts: 3

    Any 115 E-tec owners out there?

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