Switching from pinpot

  • dautio
    Posts: 43

    I’m now using two pinpoint 7520’s and a 7500 networked to a pinpoint 2700sx and a transom mount transducer and a Lowrance globalmap 3500c. Everything works just fine but the technology is getting outdated. I swap this equipment between two boats. I’m looking at changing to a Lowrance lcx-26 HD and a x107c df (which I’m sure Wade will give me a good price on). My question is will I get interference from the pinpoint 7500 and 2700sx if I keep those, I know I’ll have to run the lowrance 107 at 50 khz to avoid interferance between the lowrance equipment. The lowrance stuff will be networked using lowrancenet. On the other hand as long as everything works should I wait a year in hopes that pinpoint comes out with a color graph (doubtful) or that lowarance comes up with a way to share a 200khz transducer signal between two of there units.
    Thanks Dave

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Welcome to IDA Dave!!!

    I am no expert in this area but I am sure someone will jump in here soon to answer your question.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    I don’t know anything about Pinpoint but any two transducers running at a similar frequency will interfere with each other to some degree. Brand makes no difference. Also, it is very doubtful that Lowrance will develop a way for two units to share one transducer (at the same time). The technology isn’t there. Right now they have a switch box available, but that’s an “A-B” switch and can only run one or the other unit at one time, not both at once. And, sonar signals can’t pass through the LowranceNet cable system. So it seems one transducer for each unit is going to be the standard (by the way, a switch box cost as much as a transducer, or more!).

    Nice call on the LCX-26C. Sweet unit!

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    I have a Pinpoint system, when you have the system networked the transducers all fire at the same time , thus no interference. The transom transducers run at a different frequency than the trolling motor transducers. I would think you could use the trolling motor transducers which fire at 192hz and the Lowrance transducers which fire at 200hz and 50hz with no problem. From what I read on the lowrance net the sonar view can’t be transmitted over the network, BUT the depth IS available over the network.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Owen brings up a good point on the LowranceNet systerm. To clarify what Owen is noting, the DIGITAL depth can be displayed via the LowranceNet system (similar to the overlay data feature). So, it’s depth, but not sonar images, so to speak.

    Also, a 192khz and a 200khz will interfere with each other. The variance is not great enough. A 50khz and 200khz (or 192) will not interfere. You need about 50 khz plus speparation to avoid sonar interference.

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