I’m now using two pinpoint 7520’s and a 7500 networked to a pinpoint 2700sx and a transom mount transducer and a Lowrance globalmap 3500c. Everything works just fine but the technology is getting outdated. I swap this equipment between two boats. I’m looking at changing to a Lowrance lcx-26 HD and a x107c df (which I’m sure Wade will give me a good price on). My question is will I get interference from the pinpoint 7500 and 2700sx if I keep those, I know I’ll have to run the lowrance 107 at 50 khz to avoid interferance between the lowrance equipment. The lowrance stuff will be networked using lowrancenet. On the other hand as long as everything works should I wait a year in hopes that pinpoint comes out with a color graph (doubtful) or that lowarance comes up with a way to share a 200khz transducer signal between two of there units.
Thanks Dave
Posts: 43
April 22, 2006 at 1:14 pm