New boat and motor

  • oldguy
    Lisbon, Iowa
    Posts: 30

    My son is looking at a new boat. Motor choice is the next step. I thought i read a post not to long ago that the discussion was to go with maximum hp rating for the boat but I can’t find the post. He thinks a 40h is plenty for the boat he’s looking at. Can someone point me to that old post or give thoughts on motor size. Fishing boat. It’s a starcraft 16′. Fishing and famliy fun. 5&8 year old kids. Lives in Redwing, will fish river and backwaters i hope.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I would whole-heartedly suggest putting the max size outboard on your new rig… or as close to it as possible. Re-powering down the road is horribly expensive and re-sale value really takes a hit as well.

    What type / size / brand boat is your son looking at buying?

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    What is the max HP rating on the new boat? Personally, I would max the HP if possible.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 80

    Here is another vote for maxing out the horsepower on the boat. In the past we have had boats that did not have the max horsepower on them and they always felt underpowered especially with a heavy load in them. The last few boat we have owned have been maxed out or very close withing 5 horsepower and I have been much happier with the way they perform.

    Lisbon, Iowa
    Posts: 30

    The boat is a 16′ 83″wide. He’s looking at buying with a 2 stroke 40horse tiller. Checking into price with 50 horse. boat is rated for 60 horse but 60 horse tiller hard to find and most or all are 4 stroke plus if dealer has to go out and get one the price is pretty well set. He thinks the 40 horse is big enough for fishing and family fun with 5&8 year old kids. He lives in Redwing and will fish the river and backwaters in the area plus lakes around Atkin. I can’t wait for us to get started!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    It is a starcraft.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Max it!, that going to be about the same boat I have ( lund reble 1650ss) I get around 28 mph on a very good day, on a lake, if I’m loaded, I’ll be closer to 24, and when your running a lot of water it’s nice to have a decent crusing speed, with the throttle backed off from 100%. Not to mention, the days when the kids want to play with the boat, tubes and such, power is always nice, and not replaceable. On normal sized lake I’m ok with my boat, big lakes and rivers, it gets to be a little on the slow and fuel heavy side.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    I stopped by a marine dealer and had a long talk with him about this today. he is friends with my boss and I think i got a fair shake. His thoughts were it depends on the boat, weight, how it is designed. Like how much front weight is their. Is it a long plaining boat or a quick to plane boat. They used to sell crestliner and he said they were fast to plane. they sold them a long time and he was very comfortable in setting them up. He also stated horsepower cost money and it is hard to get an extra mph on water. His experiance is put it in the water and find out. Where in the rpm range is it propped? You can prop a 4 stroke to run on the high side of rpms and they typically run 500 approx more than a 2 stroke. Example 50 hp 4 stroke on the same boat versus the 2 stroke. About 2 mph but the 4 stroke has more bottom end! Food for thought! :confused:

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    I second the opinion of all the guys who said to max the HP. I have had several boats over my span and each time I tried to save a little by putting on a motor less than the boat max…I was unhappy. I just repowered my Lund 1700 Fish with a Yam F150, had a F115…the boat is rated for F150. I had it out today, first time to check the prop…the authority with which that F150 handles the boat is awesome compared to the F115. Go for the max…you will not regret it

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Get all the motor you can afford, if need be sell one of the dogs.

    Remember the dealers job is to get a boat sold, they will tell you whatever they think you need to hear to get the job done.

    We have no vested interest in what you buy…….you asked our opinion and we all agreed, max the h.p.

    Good luck and enjoy the new boat.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 12

    I just picked up my new Lund Explorer last weekend. I maxed the motor out. Put it in the water Sunday. That thing will flat fly. Highly recommend max HP.

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