Open apology to IDA staffers, posters etc.

  • mymomisbecky
    Posts: 16

    I want to apologize to the IDA staff, its visitors, posters, sponsors, etc for posting a contest here on the site. It was certainly never intended to ruffle any feathers, but of course did so. I have no dilusions of taking any business from all of the hard working people around here.. Ive bought some of your products and will continue to.
    I emailed the site yesterday to inquire about posting, as I think should be done to stem any problems. I did not hear a response, so I posted with the obvious “remove if this is in the wrong forum, not allowed” caption. Clearly I should have waited for some sort of response from the IDA folks, and that is clearly my error.
    I apologize again for any ill will posting the contest caused, and of course it wont happen again.
    Hope we can bury the hatchet, and maybe before long I’ll be paying to advertise here.
    Good tidings all.


    Posts: 5130

    I thank you for coming back and rectifying the situation. As I can tell, you can see where the staff is coming from in situations like this. But now that that is taken care of, welcome to IDA This is a great place for information and to share ideas and tips on basically anything outdoors. Please continue to join in on the topics and pose some questions and tips you have to offer as well

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Hello Ryan.. Just wondering how you came up with your company name?

    Posts: 16

    its actually just as easy as it sounds… my mom is in fact named becky… i didnt come up with it exactly, my ex girlfriend did, who was also the designer of the site etc… shes pretty talented… but the name, just sounded goofy, but at the same time why not? shes pretty excited about her new celebrity status

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    How long have you been in business? Do people take you seriously with a co name like that? Just wondering what the feedback has been like?

    Posts: 16

    tough to tell about being taken seriousely… ive only been doing it for a little while… its basically a hobby/small business.. im not in it to get rich or anything…i think once people take a chance on the product they will be repeat buyers.. i have the utmost confidence in everything i pour… ill just have to wait and see I guess

    but the feedback so far has been positive… people seem to like the name and the site etc.. so im happy with that

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to IDA mymomisbecky!!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Welcome Ryan!

    Where are you out of and what areas do you normally fish in?

    ….don’t fish for cat’s by any chance….

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Ryan, I missed out on the all this I guess but welcome to the site.

    Posts: 16

    I live in Des Moines… FIsh mostly around the area here….
    I wouldnt say i technically am a cat fisherman, but it happens from time to time… Growing up in Spencer in NW Iowa I river fished cats with frogs with awesome success and size… since coming to des moines, i havent actively sought cats.
    One night on saylorville reservoir about 11pm – 4am I was targetting walleye, but happened upon a bounty of cats.
    in those 5 hours I caught over 70 cats, all between 18-24 inches. I dont eat fish, so they all went back.
    Basically 2 dozen crawlers, 2 dozen leeches, and a full bucket of minnows all gone to cats…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    so they all went back

    I’m betting Becky is proud of you!

    So would you say you are a walleye guy?
    (it’s ok if you are…I’ll still talk to you! )

    Have you used the Private Message system on IDA yet?

    Posts: 16

    no, im 90% or so a bass guy… ill try walleye from time to time, stripers and whites are awesome too.. crappie and musky have there place, as well as gills… ill fish em all, but I mainly fish bass… 19 foot nitro with 150 horse isnt the best walleye troller

    yeah its a nice PM system.. havent received many yet though

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Ryan,great to have you on the site.Your a good dude and I hope you stay active on the site.
    Ryan Hale

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    no, im 90% or so a bass guy… ill try walleye from time to time, stripers and whites are awesome too.. crappie and musky have there place, as well as gills… ill fish em all, but I mainly fish bass… 19 foot nitro with 150 horse isnt the best walleye troller
    yeah its a nice PM system.. havent received many yet though

    Bass? Now I suppose you are going to tell us you like to GOLF too!

    Welcome anyway!

    Posts: 16

    before i stopped golfing more or less (used to daily for 15 years) i was a 3-4 handicap haha… wow you pegged me on that one.

    skeeter 1880
    Posts: 10

    That’s OK for not golfing anymore. I quit it so I had more time for fishing. A guy at work always says that golfing is for people who can’t fish. I alway laugh at that one

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Great catfishing in the Des moines/Red Rock area, my buddy down there puts several 40-50 pound flatheads a year in his boat from those areas. If theres water coming over the Big creek spillway that can be good to from shore for cats, and wipers. Ever get back up to Spencer give me a shout, we’ll go chase eyes smallies or muskies. Wont fish for green carp though

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