
  • starkj25
    Posts: 216

    Hey i have been looking at getting one of these for ice fishing, does anyone have any experience with this unit, also is it the same thing as the m68c just without the gps? Just wanted some info on it, its either that or the vex fl-8 genz pack
    thanks for any info

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    have you looked at a marcum?

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    check on marcum there awsome

    Posts: 216

    what marcum would you get for around the $270-$300 price range?

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 479

    i run one of these and love it.. its the only thing i have ever used and i dont think i would change it for anything. once you know stuff about its just like any other out there on the market. just my 2 cents

    Posts: 5130

    I bought a slightly used LX-3 for $285. There have been a few oter LX-3’s for sale by people who are upgrading to the LX-5. You can get an LX-2 new for your price range. That has more power than the FL-18. Also, talk to Scott Steil, he usually has great deals on Marcum units You will not be disappointed in the Marcum units

    Maple Grove MN
    Posts: 13

    I have two friends with them and they love them. Both used vex’s previously. Ill let you know next week.I just traded my fl8 and an older global map 100 for it. I am taking it up to red in a couple of hours. I was in gander yesterday. I didnt see any x67 but they have m68 for 399.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 124

    Call Dick’s in Richfield. I thought they were around 150. they still have some of the Marcum LX-1 for 170.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I love mine. It’d much better than an FL8. You don’t even get a zoom with an FL8, but you get a fully adjustable zoom on the Lowrance. I love it in regular sonar mode compared to the flasher mode. It’s incredibly sensitive. I don’t think you’d be disappointed in the least bit.

    The X67c is the same as the M68c minus the GPS. You can listen to the Marcum groupies on here, but I’ll bet they have never even tried to branch out into something new like the Lowrance. And the bext part is that you get a pretty decent summer graph, too!

    I saw them at Dick’s the other day for $250. Also, Thorne Bros had a deal that they’d give you a skimmer transducer with it for $300.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Hey i have been looking at getting one of these for ice fishing, does anyone have any experience with this unit, also is it the same thing as the m68c just without the gps? Just wanted some info on it, its either that or the vex fl-8 genz pack
    thanks for any info

    The Lowrance X67C Ice Machine is the same as the 68C but without GPS. I love the fact that you can switch to the regular LCD screen or flasher mode. The LCD screen holds the mark longer so you have a better chance of seeing fish on the screen if you look away for a moment. It can also be setup to be used on the boat and would make a nice addition to the bow of any rig. Don’t get me wrong, I like flashers too, but if you are interested in the X67C I don’t think you’ll be at all disappointed. It’s one of the only units that can offer you flasher or LCD screen. The feedback from the guys who have been using them has been very positive. Give me a holler if I can help at all.

    North Central Iowa
    Posts: 187

    I got mine about 3 weeks ago. I was able to use it 6 times and I like it. I’m still learning how to use it. I also like the fact that I can switch between the flasher and the split screen lcd screen

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    The split-screen with the full water-column on the right and the zoom on the left rocks! I rarely, rarely even use it in flasher mode.

    Posts: 350

    I use a x67 winter and summer. Got the skimmer transducer and I use on the bow. Good unit and more versatile than the flashers. You will hear some complaints about interference problems but that occurs only if you don’t adjust the out of the box setup. The x67 doesn’t have the interference knob on the front it’s in the menu system. I have used mine in the same house as a Vex and a Marcum with no problems. A lot of us prefer the graph mode over the flasher for ice fishing. No problems with screen speed and I have been out in below zero temps with it. It does use up a battery in 6hrs in the winter so I drag two batteries with me. Last point DO NOT leave it outside in below freezing temps for days. The TFT screen can freeze if left in prolonged cold temps. I always take my unit back into the house when done fishing. As for the zoom you can hit any part of the water column you want. I ‘ve been fishing in 50ft of water for suspended crappies. Only need to see 15ft to 30ft. So I set the depth range to 15 to 30ft. Very cool to be able to zoom where you need to. The higher end Marcums can do that also but not Vex.

    As a last comment the Lowrance 102,332,334 and up units can also be used as an ice fishing unit. Just get the battery and the ice transducer. They have all the features of the x67 and 68 and then some. If you have the $$$ or need a summer graph that might be the way to go. Wade can set you up very nicely.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    6 hours on a battery? I’ve never used mine longer than three hours straight, but three hours barely ate any battery (more than 90% left). I would think you could get much longer than 6 hours out of one.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Mark, thank you for the excellent detailed information. That’s very helpful.

    Posts: 350

    You won’t even see the battery charge move for 4 hours or more but that last hour it just moves. In the summer you can go for a few days. Maybe if I quit letting it sit on directly on the ice things would improve. That’s been my experience though for two years worth of fishing. You can squeeze 8 hrs out of it in a pinch but performance drops a tad for the last couple of hours.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    That’s good to know, thanks! I’d heard of people going for days off of a charge. Maybe they were using it in warmer weather.

    Rogers, Minnesota
    Posts: 128

    i have used mine (m68c) for a couple days and the batt stayed near the full mark, they use considerably less juice than any of the flashers as they do not have any moving parts. i have found that if you leave them outside over night in the truck that will have a big impact on performance. bring them in when you can to keep the batt from being cold too long and you will be good to go.

    i really like mine alot, i use the full graph screen exclusively. it has crazy seperation in 30fow with 4x zoom .

    next year i will be rockin’ the 332c on the genz box

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