How fast do you want your walleye boat to go?
Mercury unleashes a monster today in Miami…Mercury Optimax 300XS
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How fast do you want your walleye boat to go?
Mercury unleashes a monster today in Miami…Mercury Optimax 300XS
Yamaha also has a 300 HPDI…They had one on a warrior over at Cabelas.
35 – 42 mph for me, baby! Me AND my pocket book are happy the speed gene was lost on me.
Almost makes me think that my little 115 is small, but I do NOT have a size infeariority complex. I can do 40 mph fairly easily, and I also know, you can’t catch a fish at that speed. so NO PROB.
If it is any louder than the 250XS we are all going to need ear plugs when they start those noise boxes up. I don’t run Mercury but I do wish they could make them a little quieter. You can have a nice conversation in the boat with a Evinrude or Yamaha running. They the guys in his Mercury XS fires up his can’t even here yourself talk
Is Merc putting warranties on the XS models now?? At one point, there wasn’t any warranty for the hopped up version.
I have to agree with Scott on noise, my buddy just got the 175 Opti, she is aweful loud. Back when I was a teenager, I would have loved it though!!
This comes directly from the link I posted……..
“An acoustically-tuned foam, which wraps the interior of the top cowl, combined with an attenuator for the direct fuel injection air compressor and an advanced exhaust system, reduces the engine operating sound to the point where the 300XS is quieter than 2006 OptiMax 250XS models at idle through midrange operating RPM .
Another reason Mercurys roar when we run them hard is because we like to scare our competition!
Well maybe because im a teenager but when im goin down the river and i hear a big loud engine i normally see a big boat go flying by and then i say whoa… wish my boat went that fast. well we topped ours out at 42 which is plenty fast. we have a 90 horse tracker which pretty much is a mercury. i love it. cold blooded little booger tho. i love merc’s just like i love honda four wheelers. this is one of the most argumental subjects. boat motors and four wheelers. well i like merc’s and a honda’s. o yeah and its really hard to fish goin 42!!
o yeah and its really hard to fish goin 42!!
But you’ve got to admit, it sure takes the slack out of your line
Just to think.. in the good old days you could go fishing with one 6 gallon gas tank! (I’m still living in the good old days)
40 mph+ .. only way I am going to do that(with my budget) is if I put my 25hp motor on the back of a square stern canoe! I dont know if it would do 40, but i’m sure it would feel like much more!
“An acoustically-tuned foam, which wraps the interior of the top cowl, combined with an attenuator for the direct fuel injection air compressor and an advanced exhaust system, reduces the engine operating sound to the point where the 300XS is quieter than 2006 OptiMax 250XS models at idle through midrange operating RPM .
Call me a skeptic, but I will believe it when I see it..I have heard that song and dance before somewhere
Personaly, I wish they all growled like my EFI! Nothing sounds meaner than those EFI’s when you drop the hammer down!
You can certainly tell when a 225 Opti-max is driving across Mille lacs. It sounds like someone getting thier intestine pulled out through thier mouth..
Another reason Mercurys roar when we run them hard is because we like to scare our competition!
That usually happens when they go BOOM !
I love the sound of my F150 Yammie four banger running about 5900 RPMs flying across the lake all trimmed up, doing 51 MPH. I can talk to the guy next to me, and know that there is a load of power back there. When my wife is running with me I always make it a point to turn around and give that motor a loving look, and she always says “I wish you would look at me like that.”
That is impressive! Does that boat have the IPS hull?
Very impressive.
Yes, it has the IPS hull. The F150 is running a 13 3/4 X 21 Yamaha Black Steel prop. She runs out really nice, that’s 51 on the GPS…On the Yamaha digital speedo, it is 50..they run pretty close to one another. I actually like running the Yamaha Black Steel 19 pitch most of the time, it runs out at 6000 RPM’s and 48 GPS. The boat weighs 1240 lbs, motor 466 lbs, T-8 102 lbs.
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