Which would you rather have?
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Under water camera or flasher?
January 20, 2006 at 9:25 pm #413460
Hey JR – I have both a camera and a Vexilar so the answer to your question is “It all depends.”. If I have good visibility I will use the camera everytime because I can actually watch the bite. Many times the fish will suck in the bait and spit it out and you cannot detect that light bite with the Vexilar or with any bobber. Unfortunately some bodies of water have limited visibility or you are fishing too deep for the camera to be effective. Then your flasher is a necessity.
January 20, 2006 at 11:24 pm #413476I have used both, and they are both awesome to have. I plan on picking up a scout sometime soon, but next christmas will probably be more of a reality
The cameras are awesome, but you would never know if there is a school of crappies 5 feet above the camera, or a big fat walleye sitting on the bottom. Personally, when i get a camera, im going to use both. using both, i believe your catch rate would go up although some do not agree. you can use your flasher to jump hole and find fish, then drop the camera down a likely looking hole, and see what they are. if i had to pick one that is most useful, i would go with the flasher 110%….I know a few people that say the cameras are a waste of money. I can agree to a certain extent. They are more of an entertainment thing than anything else!
January 21, 2006 at 1:29 am #413504I’d take a flasher anyday, anytime, before a camera. If the water quality was really really good, a camera wouldn’t be too bad, still I’d take the flasher.
I only have one flasher as of now, but I’ve been ice fishing with friends and family lately, I’ve been letting everyone else use the camera, and it’s been ok, it is pretty fun when you see nice fish on the camera, but at night (after 4:30 ) it’s pretty much worthlesstoo much planton in the water to see even you lure a foot or so away, not to mention you need the lights then, and I’ve come to find, in the lakes I fish, the fish don’t mind the light until they are right in it, never had a hit with a fish in the light
Not to mention all the fish people have been missing , mostly because water clarity is so poor in out area, my flash can tell me there is a fish anywhere in the water column, the camera only see a couple feet, Let me tell you what that does for odds in fishing with you buddies
Plain and simple they lose.
Don’t me worng cameras are a blast, when they are working, but the bottom line is a flasher works in all situations.
And camera’s are a PITA to set-up, a flasher takes 3 seconds if you’re slow.
Buy a Flasher first trust me, save for a camera later.
January 21, 2006 at 1:58 am #413479I’d say it depends if you want to catch fish or watch TV. Case in point. Last weekend I went to Miller Dam with my parents. They were set up maybe 10 feet from me. They took their flasher out and put their camera in. Within a few moments there were fish on the screen. They tried to get their jig on screen to see a fish eat it. After about an hour I had 15 nice fish and they had, well, watched TV for the last hour. The TV is fun no doubt, I enjoy watching it. But when it comes to catching give me a flasher anyday.
January 21, 2006 at 3:41 am #413521Personally I would get the flasher first as it helps ALOT when fishing. You can see where your jig is and also what depth the fish are at which means you know whether to raise or lower your jig to the fish. Without that information you probably are fishing where the fish aren’t. Then later when you can save up the money for a camera get one then. But I do rate the flasher [Vexilar or Marcum] a big first.
Thanks, BillJanuary 21, 2006 at 12:40 pm #413536It’s a no-brainer. The flasher. Then get the camera if you feel you want (notice I didn’t say need) one. You need a flasher.
January 21, 2006 at 3:41 pm #413579I would have to agree with the others. A Flasher before a camera. The flasher will show you the level where the fish are at. Also, the cone covers 360 degrees where a camera may give you 90 degrees of coverage at virtually one depth.
However I do like the camera to see how fish really react, but you do spend more time trying to get the right view of your bait/lure than fishing!
January 23, 2006 at 2:30 pm #413819
“It all depends.”.
That is the best answer IMO.
Flasher is the first tool…a nessesity.
If I were to only fish say Square Lake where the water is crystal clear, I would go with a good camera FIRST. When I say good camera, I’m talking about something like the MarCom 560. Drop one line down and set it to scan until your lures in view. Depth and temp is right on the screen. The new lighting system allows a person to actually “see” at night.
However, few people fish that clear of water all the time. The flasher is still number one, next to the fishing rod. But again, IMO it’s a very useful tool to have in your arsenal.
January 23, 2006 at 2:36 pm #413820No doubt about it. If I left my camera at home I would still go fishing and be fine. If I left my flasher at home, I would have to cancel the trip.
January 25, 2006 at 3:05 pm #414423I agree. Flasher is number 1.
But on a side note, Friday night I had the OVS camera down and turned it to hi-vis towards dark. The fish seemed spooky after that and I was under the impression that the lights on the lens were scaring them. On Saturday, I had the camera down again when a perch came right up to it. Just for s & g, I turned the camera to hi-vis and the perch never moved. After about 10 more seconds, he calmly swam away. Don’t know if that proves anything but I’m a little more confident about using the unit in hi-vis now.
January 25, 2006 at 6:11 pm #414510I know I couldn’t catch as many fish if I had to fart around with that cord. Try hopping holes with a camera. Youd be soaked and fishless. But those cameras are neat if you’re just sitting around on your
John Luebker
Posts: 694January 26, 2006 at 12:49 am #414619Yep, flasher first. I had both at one time, but now I only have a flasher. The camera was “fun”, but the flasher is crucial to my fishing adventures
January 30, 2006 at 3:21 am #415862
But those cameras are neat if you’re just sitting around on your
That is a very good point Matt. If I KNOW I’m going hole hopping, I don’t even bring mine along. On the otherhand if I know I’ll be on gills and just flattining by
I’ll bring it…although I don’t always use it.
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