Aqua View…Important tool or useless garbage

  • birddog
    Posts: 1957

    Important or Garbage? I had never really used one before recently and I’m not convinced that they help me put up better #’s. They seem to be more for entertainment than anything. The fish seem to be wary of the camera and reluctant to bite. It’s neat to watch how they take the bait and to watch them in they’re natural environment but it seems that’s as far is goes. I know for a fact that my catch rate has gone down the tubes since I started using one. What are your thoughts on the underwater cameras, best thing since sliced bread, or overrated?


    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Bird Dog. I use one to locate rock, debris ect… Primarily through the Ice. After that it’s top side unless I want some entertainment.

    I have used it to find some great structure on our local body of water.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    IMO a camera is a better tool for open water use. I havent had a problem with it scaring fish on mille lacs in the winter. I have learned alot from cameras and have been using them since 1997.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    When panfishing………I’ll outfish a Vex or Marcum 5 fish to their 1 using a camera…….

    With Pike: 10-1 while jiggin………..

    Walleyes, that is a different story………

    Posts: 5130

    I know when I had mine, I didn’t have a problem with fish spooking. I primarily fish for panfish if that makes a difference. I learned a little about how the panfish reacted to different jigs and presentations. I do know my catch rate went up on the days when they were really hitting light. A bluegill can inhale a bait and soit it out so that your spring bobber never even moved So, they are a uaseful tool as well as entertaining

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    I had mine on the ice last weekend for the first time. I wasn’t catching anything at all but neither was anyone else on the lake… I am undecided at this point. For those who have one, do you drill another hole along side the hole you fish in? And if yes, how far away.

    Posts: 5130

    I find it easier to drill another hole for the camera. It all depends on how much rom you have. In the 1 man I drilled the second hole about a foot away. In my 2 man I would give it a little more room. I had the Scout with the fish shaped camera so that could have had a lot to do with not spooking fish. I have had gills hovering right next to it for quite awhile. I have also had bass and northerns sit and stare at it for a long time before slowly swimming off only to come back

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I use mine mostly in open water, its to see what those echos are, I sure dont want to fish for suckers when I am looking foe eyes. Many times those hooks can be rough fish. I also like to see whats on the bottom and what weeds are growing there.

    Its a great tool when prefishing for tourneys I can eliminate alot of water in a hurry

    Just my thoughts

    Tight lines to all in the New Year


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 23

    Used the camera as a down rigger weight one time, attached a quick release to it and pulled a crawler harness around. From top side it appeared to be a slow day of fishing but it was amazing to watch the number of perch following the harness around, and just see reactions of fish.

    Posts: 1514

    i use mine a lot while icefishing, when the pressure is on a smaller area ive out fished the person next to me in the shack 50 2 1. excellent for light bites or as a tool to see what they want. i prefer a camera that points stright down as to on from the side. you can put it 4 feet above there head and not have to worry about spooking fish. they help tremendously for ice fishing. my 2cents

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Sunnies seem to love the camera………The majority of the time, they are not camera shy……..I’ve had 3 different pike take chomps at it too…….Goofy critters!!!!!

    In metro lakes, that are generally clear, I’ll place the camera about 4 to 5 feet away……..This gives me a broad view of what is around that I can “call in”. With the flasher, you will never know you had fish 5 to 10 feet away from you. With the camera, you can jig those fish in for you. THAT is where your catch and why you catch more. You know what is there at all times.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18969

    Definitely not garbage. In the right situation very helpful. You can see how fish react to bait movement and adjust immediately literaly calling them to the hook. I never knew how many fish I was spooking before by jigging too aggressively. Also light biters get hooked. I have used successfully as long as the water is clear enough to get the camera a few feet away. That doesn’t even seem to matter as the fish school my camera everytime.Its shaped like a fish. Muskie hit it last time out.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


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