LakeMaster or Navionics

  • jexeri
    Posts: 25

    Now that I’ve been conviced by multiple people to go with the Lowrance 332c I am looking at map chips. Since I fish a lot in both MN and WI and once in awhile in IA I like the # of lakes and widespread area Navionics offers with their product. However I’ve heard from a few differnet people that some of the lake maps accuracy mis off some, especially on larger bodies of water like Mille Lacs and Minnetonka. I’ve heard from people that have tried both that LakeMaster MN seems to be a little more accuracte, but the # of lakes is significantly less. Let me know if you have any positive or negative experiences…..thanks again.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I have both chips.
    Most of the time Lakemasters is what I use but Navionics is used on bigger waters. Just a personal preference as I fish a lot of smaller water.
    You can not go wrong with either. If you do a search you will find many discutions on IDA about this very subject.

    I would wait on your purchase for another month though as I have been told that the new and improved chips are coming out soon.


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Welcome the the site


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome. Great to have you with us. Please feel free to share and post all you want.

    I have the Navonics chips and really like them. They have a chip that has Mn. Wisc. Iowa and Michigan lakes on it which is nice. The maps aren’t all perfect but very close. I did pick up the Minnesota Lakemasters chip but haven’t had a chance to use it yet.
    Thanks, Bill

    Taylors Falls, MN
    Posts: 68

    No problems with Navonics used it 2 years now. Though I belive MN/Lakemaster is cheaper to buy ? JEFF

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Now that I’ve been conviced by multiple people to go with the Lowrance 332c I am looking at map chips. Since I fish a lot in both MN and WI and once in awhile in IA I like the # of lakes and widespread area Navionics offers with their product. However I’ve heard from a few differnet people that some of the lake maps accuracy mis off some, especially on larger bodies of water like Mille Lacs and Minnetonka. I’ve heard from people that have tried both that LakeMaster MN seems to be a little more accuracte, but the # of lakes is significantly less. Let me know if you have any positive or negative experiences…..thanks again.

    Since you fish IA, MN, and WI it’s a no-brainer – Navionics Premium North. The accuracy is as good as your gonna get. Not all lakes are 100 percent accurate. Some are better than others. Mille Lacs is EXCELLENT. Don’t buy just yet. The 2006 chip will be out soon. Also, Lowrance will be releasing the 334C which is the same as the 332C but it has an internal GPS antenna. I would suggest getting an order in early if you want a 334C. They’re going to be popular since a lot of folks don’t like to mess with the external antenna. Feel free to contact me if you have question or want price quotes anything. Thanks!

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    LakeMaster has many more high definition surveys of Wisconsin lakes than Navionics and a few more on the Minnesota chip. LakeMaster hasn’t surveyed in Iowa. There is very little difference in the maps for the large lakes in Minnesota. LakeMaster has the only high definition survey of Winnebago and Green bay. I suggest you ask for a sample picture of the lakes you want to fish from each company. You can then make a better decision. They can email them if you have high speed internet. Buying map chips is difficult because the map data isn’t the same for each lake and there is no easy way to tell unless you own both chips and use them on the lake you are fishing. I use both Navionics and LakeMaster depending on where I am fishing. Navionics has some of LakeMaster’s data as LakeMaster sells their surveys to Garmin, Navionics, and whoever. If you look on Navionics website they will list the maps from LakeMaster as +LakeMaster ProMap under Source Key. Last but not least each company adds new high definition surveys each year so you need to update to stay current. Both companies are mapping all summer. LakeMaster just did Michigan and added some of the Canadian side of LOW. Navionics is mapping nationally. I used their map chip for the PWT Championship on Milford Lake, Kansas. When I say mapping, they are taking boats on the water and collecting their own data and creating maps. These maps are much better than the State surveys which is what Fishing Hot Spots mostly uses. If you haven’t noticed, I love maps and have a major collection of paper maps, Navionic and LakeMaster chips, plus my own special maps. This is my record for longest posting. Too much coffee!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks for clearing some things up Doc!

    Posts: 25

    thanks for the heads up on the new 334 coming out..

    Prior Lake/Savage, MN
    Posts: 64

    Thanks Wade for the info. I am also looking to purchase GPS/Sonar Unit.

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