question about the lawence lms 334-337?

  • fish2live
    Posts: 193

    i noticed that lawence has put the sat reciever in side these new units does anyone know if they get as good reception as the external recievers? thanks steve

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Steve, They’re not released just yet so nobody is going to have on-the-water experience yet (except maybe Lowrance Pro Staff who tested units). Even so, there should be no reason the reception should be any different than the external unit. Garmin has been offering internal GPS for years and they have had no problems. The reason one would need an external antenna is if their boat had obstructions that would interfere with the GPS reception, such as a solid cabin, or if they flush mounted the unit, or if the unit was going to be down in the boat to the point that the sides of the boat might actually interfere with reception. If you’re running an open boat and plan to put the unit on the console and internal antenna will work just fine. By the way, the pricing on the 334C will be the same as the pricing on the 332C, so cost will not be a factor to consider when comparing the two.

    Note: The 337 is a dual frequency, external antenna unit. I think you meant the 339C which is the new DF, internal antenna unit.

    Feel free to contact me with questions, or post them here.

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