GPS / Fishfinder units

  • jexeri
    Posts: 25

    I am looking to purchase a new GPS/fishfinder for my boat, I am looking for something I can put in the council and looking to spend $400 – $700. Just checking to see if anyone has had good or bad experiences with anything in particular. I have done some research on the Lowrance LMS-480 unit…..what are the positives/negatives of a unit like this ? Thanks

    east metro of the twin cities in Minnesota
    Posts: 46

    I have a LMS 480 and love it. You also have to consider the chip you put into it. I got the one by navianics and i had very good luck and enjoyed fishing a lot more with this unit. I am still learning about it. I also got a set up so I can bring it in the house during the winter and power it with ac current so I can play around with it and learn. the ac/dc adaptor was about 20 bucks and worth it. Good Luck

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Check with Wade at Jolly Ann Marine. No tax, Free shipping and he is a site sponsor. He will answer all questions.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I also have the LMS-480. it works very nice and for what you get, is an excellent combo unit for the price. I also have the Navionics chip. In the winter time I remove the antenna from the boat as I don’t need it on Pool 4, I bought a DC power cord for about 30 bucks, so I can put the unit in my vehicle and use the GPS while on mapped lakes for ice fishing. that is really cool too.
    good luck..

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Waste of Money IMHO, if you’re going to spend that much get color and never look back, I’d go for the 332c at minimum, after fishing with a guy that had a color unit, I’d never buy a non color unit again, target seperation with color is awesome, and the bright display is so nice, you probably adjust your greyscale model fish finder now, each time your out, just so you can see it in the daylight, you won’t do this with a color unit, I never noticed this until a buddy told me I did it. Color is worth every single penny, and really it’s not that much more

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    IMO,I don’t have the LMS 480, I have the Eagle 480 but I agree with Nick. The color one is much ,much nicer. Everything he said. I’ll be getting me one of those this spring.

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