Troll Master??

  • birddog
    Posts: 1957

    I’m looking into a Troll Master for my 05 T8. What is the difference between the digital and digital pro?? Both have the same Model#TM206D?? Also, how hard are they to install?


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    As far as I know there are 3 models right now.

    Digital is just a digital model

    Digital Pro – same thing but it gives you an option to go faster for a short time to recorrect direction faster or change speed on occasion, this is handy I know for me on the pond

    Digital Pro 2 – Same as Digital Pro but gives you finer speed adjustements.

    Click here TROLL MASTER for their Web-site. You can order direct from the factory and get quotes from them direct. I beleive you save a little money! Good Luck. I’m looking at getting one this Spring!

    They say if you got any Mechanical background, they are not to hard to install by yourself .

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I just called for quotes on the PRO and the PRO 2

    PRO = $224.35
    PRO 2 = $245.00

    Didn’t matter what motor you have she told me. Toll Free # 1-866-228-7655

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    Bill Hastings is the fella that owns Trollmaster, and if you have any problem with installation, or operation, just give Bill a call, and he can help you out over the phone. Great product and great people making the product.

    Posts: 15

    I have one on my t 8. took about 1 hr to install, it works great for minor throttle adjustments. the pro model has a mft button on it i think it means momentary full throttle.
    Very good product.

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