40 hp Evinrude ,possible linkage problem

  • JimJankowski
    Posts: 39

    I have a 1991 40hp Evinrude.When I’m in reverse sometimes

    the shift lever creeps forward and it pops out of gear.

    My question is,Is there an adjustment on the linkage to

    stop this from happing? I forgot to mention

    that it is a tiller model,If that makes any difference.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I have a 1992 40hp Johnson that I had the same trouble with earlier this year. From what I was told, there is a threaded rod running down the shaft that needed to be adjusted but I had the work done for me. They also replaced the water pump and found some line behind the prop and seals so the job cost a little more than expected.

    Good luck.

    Posts: 39

    Does anybody know how to make an adjustment on the gear shift linkage. It’s a tiller motor? Thanks!

    W & E Wi
    Posts: 78

    Sounds like the clutch dog is worn.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Does anybody know how to make an adjustment on the gear shift linkage. It’s a tiller motor? Thanks!

    Best bet is to get a service book for about $20. That will tell you exactly how to adjust it with the correct tolerances. They are pretty easy to read and follow.

    Posts: 39

    Which repair manual would you recomend? I have heard of Seloc and Clymer,If you were to buy one which one would you recomend.Thanks!

    Posts: 1683

    Find an OMC factory service manual and a parts manual to determine part numbers and see exploded views.

    Some thing like this

    Ebay is a cheap soure for these kinds of books.

    Those other brands are so generic,
    your lawn mower owners manual will have just as good of info as those.
    Stick with the factory books and get both the service manual book and the parts manual book.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    DITTO to what Jwellsy said.

    Get a FACTORY service book and any authorized Evinrude dealer.

    You can’t go wrong. It will give you the breakdown and the tolerances to correctly set the linkage to prevent further troubles down the road.

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