Power Tiller Steering?

  • etecangler1
    Posts: 64

    Any of you guys use this on your tiller? Engine Steer

    I don’t like that they don’t have a unit made for Johnson/Evinrude, although they have rigged a 90hp E-TEC with a Suzuki tiller handle. The video looks awesome, anyone have one?

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    I have it on my Magnum 175 with a 75hp Yammy and really like it. My girlfriend is 5 foot nothin and can handle that motor no problem !
    It’s ALMOST like having an autopiolot in that you can let go of the tiller tie up a lure or whatever and the boat maintains it’s course. NOT that I recomend doing that at higher speeds due to safety concerns ie: other boats , objects in the water etc.
    I do that trolling though. Somtimes I’ll walk to the front of the boat grab a tackle box , rig another rod or whatever and the boat keeps pluggin along on it’s original course.

    I also can literaly steer this boat with just my thumb and forefinger.

    The Merten System as it was origianaly called was designed more for work boat applications where bigger tillers are used both here in the states and over seas. However it’s perfect for guys who prefer to run bigger tillers but gave them up due to health reasons like blown out shoulders/arms or have other physical limitations that make wrestling a big tiller a pain…. literaly.
    I bought mine from Frank at Marine Pros in Whitewater WI. In fact I bought Franks old boat as he upgraded to 19 foot tiller with a 150 hp tiller pushing it. What a beast that rig is !

    They do demo runs open to anyone who wants to try this system out. I don’t know specific dates or locations but they hold these demo runs in MN ,WI and ? throughout the open water season. You should be able to find specific info on those events on thier website I think ? If not you can contact Frank at Marine Pros( can’t recall his last name off hand )and ask more specific questions. He’s a great guy and very knowlegable.

    Downside ? The cost. This system aint cheap and it will take up one of your storage compartments but if your tired of getting beat up running a big tiller or have physical limitations this system is hard to beat.

    Anyhow , If you would like to check this system out I HIGHLY recomend you try and make it to one of the demo runs they hold and see first hand what it’s all about. I think you will like what you see.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    They had a Ranger 620t with a 150 Yamaha with the Enginsteer at the Walleye Expo last year.

    I bet they will have one this year too.

    I took one for a test drive last spring. Nice set up, it would be great to have.

    A little too pricy for me though, around $2000.00.

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