Does SeaFoam work as a fuel stabilizer as well as something like Stabil? Also, do you top off your fuel tanks before storage? Mine’s about half full right now.
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Does SeaFoam work as a fuel stabilizer as well as something like Stabil? Also, do you top off your fuel tanks before storage? Mine’s about half full right now.
Top off your fuel tank and use either one.Topping off your fuel keeps condensation out.
Use Seafoam in small engines and boats. Stabil can damage some carbs that are made of lighter materials. FISHINFOOL
First I have ever heard of Sta-bil damaging anything. Do you have more info.
I use Sta-bil for storage and Seafoam all year. I also run the tank down in the fall and fill up with fresh gas in the spring.
I’m also a Stabil user and have a ~20 year old Toro snowblower. Decided to get it out when they were predicting 4-8″ of snow for us last week…started on the FIRST pull and kept on runnin’ I use it in everything I store. I’ve never had a problem sgtarting anything after sorage when I use it. Did forget a couple of times when I first started using it and had a heck of a time getting my lawnmower and 15 evy the next year
I’m a believer.
I have been using sta-bil for yrs myself. I put it in my boat,lawn mower,tiller and anything else thats gonna set for awhile. I’ve heard good things about seafoam but have never tried it.As for how much gas is left in the tank at the end of the yr i use the what ever theory.”what ever is left “
My boat is in a heated garage all yr so i dont think the gas thing matters much. If i had to keep it outside i prob would keep it full. Then again thats $100.00 to fill so maybe not
Never had a problem with Stabil.
Seafoam will work as a fuel stabilizer and also cleans fuel related parts. Another added bonus is it will remove condensation from the fuel. That alone is better than using isopropyl. My weed trimmer was bogged down, put some Seafoam in it, after that it was fine. Thats my small bit of proof.
I was told by a couple of small engine mechanics who have been around for awhile that the newer engines may not stand up to some of the chemicles in Stabil and may pit.
Sorry cant help with specifics but I took their advice since Seafoam does a better job since it cleans the units too. FISHINFOOL
I use SeaFoam on my 40 hp Evinrude all year round and it runs much better now, before I used SeaFoam my motor would never would idle down to trolling speeds it would just die. I do not have that problem ever since I started using SeaFoam.
sounds good to me. What store sells sea-foam.i would like to try it next yr
You can get it at any parts store. I like sea foam myself It’s a stabilizer cleaner and it removes moister all in one.
I toured a large fire station 2 years ago and they told me Seafoam is the only stabilizer they would ever use again.
They had tons of equipment that sits idle for long periods of time.
I have used both, for several years and I can not tell any difference.
This might be an old post, but I’m new to the forum. I work in the marine industry and Highly recommend Marine Formula Sta-bil. It needs to be used everyday and can be used for storage. It has water removers along with corrosion inhibitors and cleaners. I have a 1965 Starcraft with a 100 hp merc on in and it works great.
Seafoam makes alot of claims but for the most part it is just a kerosene based cleaner. If you want the best fuel system cleaner then buy some Chevron Techron it’s the best fuel system cleaner on the market. Sta-bil is the best Stabilizer, and if you have a big ol diesel then you gotta go with power service cetane boost.
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