S/GPS Advice

  • tbird171
    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    Looking for some advice…I’m thinking about upgrading the fish locator to a GPS combo system. I’ve come across a Lowrance at cabela’s on sale for ~$150, and a Cuda at Walmart for ~$170. These are prices I can budget for, but don’t want to be disappointed. I’ve read a little info and they both seem to have the basic I’m after, except navigation map system downloads. Any ideas/advice on what systems would include Mississipi navigation charts without spending a zillion bucks? Any advice on what to avoid with S/GPS system?
    Figure I could read the instruction manual over winter and get ready for the Jan/Feb 32 degree open water bite!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I would go to a place where you can see this unit operating in the store to get a better idea on just what it will do and won’t do. In order to get the maps of a river or lake on the screen you need a unit that will take the chips that have the maps on them. This unit doesn’t seem to have that ability. Plus the chips are extra and cost anywhere from 100.00 to 200.00 and since you are from Winona the only chip in my knowledge that would have that pool on it would be the Navionics North River chip which is 200.00 I believe. Atleast thats what I paid for my river chip. I don’t see anywhere where either unit offers split screen so you will only see one screen at a time or one on top of the other one. It would be interesting to see how the Lowrance one for 149.99 does what it does. I would reccomend going to Cabelas or maybe even a Gander Mt. store [call first to see if they have one set up for viewing] to see how it works before deciding which you want if this is a unit that will do what you want. Also sending a pm to Wade [Jolly Marine here on this site] and ask him what he knows about these units and what he can do for a price. Please keep us informed as to what you find out and decide to do. For the money it sounds like an interesting unit but will it do what you are want it to do? I’m not sure just exactly what you want a unit to do for you.
    Thanks, Bill

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Tbird, I would not spend any of your hard-earned money on those low-end combo units. If your budget won’t allow for a decent combo unit right now, my suggestion would be to pick either a decent GPS or a decent sonar and get the other unit next year. You’re best bet, if you can pull it off financially, would be to get something like the Eagle Fishelite 480 . This is the lowest price combo unit that will accept Navionics mapping chips. Since you mentioned map chips I assume you want to add one later. You’ll spend another hundred bucks on the chip. For river coverage and some good maps of MN lakes, you can get by with the Navionics Hotmaps Plus SE for around $100.

    The lower-end units you mentioned will NOT accept mapping chips. Take a good look at that Eagle and let us know if you have questions.

    Posts: 780

    Scheels in wisconsin just dropped there price on H2O lowrance handheld GPS. Good unit as back up and accepts navonics chips. Works good and waterproof. Price 169…

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    I’ve been doing a little more diggin’ and the lowrance .pdf file users manual indicates it indeed has split screen. Sure seems like a unit that’s friendly including moderate graphics, speed (GPS), water temp, but missing the nav map downloadable options that I’d consider a nicety, but for the price probable not a necessity. Couple of things I’m looking for with the GPS is the early morning fog run, but as many times as I run the same routes I guess I could mark trails/waypoints along the buoys. Another thought is to I.D. a troll run for repeatability…maybe I’m too optimistic thinking the precision is that good for this kind of money. Also some spots out in Pepin that I have a hard timing lining up the visual land marks.
    Might spend the money on the low end lowrance unless some folks have some personal experience with the model M52 that I should reconsider?
    I’ll keep you posted next spring unless I venture a different direction.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    I see some nice features with the eagle, looks like ~$400 on sale plus a few options and the navigation software. Starting to hit me in the budget a little. I always hesitate spending money on electronics only to find out they’ve upgraded a year later and cost $100 less.
    I have a pretty low end fish locator, so that was my main drive as I came across a combo unit. Just the Sonar function of the lowrance seems to have some pretty good features, so I may still pursue it figuring the GPS is a bonus and a learning curve.
    Thanks for the advice!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Tbird, what sonar unit are you running now? Thanks, Bill

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I think you’d be catching that Eagle unit at the right time. The price was at $450 and has already done the price-drop you metioned. I think it’s a good way to go because it does offer you a solid sonar as well as the mapping option. The sonar is the same as the Fishmark 480, which has been very popular. If you can swing it, I think it’s the way to go. If you need to go with a less expensive option I like the idea of the iFinder H2O mentioned above (GPS only). We also have that unit at $169 now . Lowrance/Eagle prices have dropped on several units so now is a good time to buy. The H2O will accept Lowrance and Navionics mapping chips too.

    I’m just not a big fan of spliiting the screen on those units you were looking at. I would take a long look at your other options. Take care.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830


    Your selling H20’s for 169.00?

    Holy crap!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Yep, They recently dropped in price. What’s happening is that the iFinder Pro is going to be discontinued (I believe) and the H2O will be the entry level unit (pretty nice entry level unit, eh!). There will be a few new Color handhelds on the market, like the H2OC and HuntC. The H2OC will run about $269.00 and the HuntC will run about $349.00. We should see those color units in Dec. or Jan.

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    Wade, can you give me a brief opinion of the Lowrance Hunt unit? Am I understanding it correctly…? It will accept all navionics mapping software? Will there be any other “must have” features with the HuntC….other than the color? Or will it be the same unit as the Hunt is now? Thanks. Steve

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    The Hunt is an great unit. For comparison, I’ll let you take a look for your self. Here’s the newly released info on the HuntC Color unit: Lowrance iFinder HuntC

    And here’s the Hunt:

    iFinder Hunt

    There’s a feature right under the product picture called “compare” and you can see the specs side by side that way. BOTH units will take all the Navionics Premium maps (and classic and gold maps too). The Hunt C will be listed at $349.00 but we’ll have special price quotes available for IDA members. The regular iFinder Hunt is being dropped to $249.00.

    Let me know if you have any questions Steve.

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    Thanks Wade. Appreciate the info!

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