Lowrance School Schedule

  • doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The preliminary Lowrance School Schedule, registration forms, and information on what is covered is posted on http://www.hightechfishing.com. I have added a mapping software class this year by request. New Schools will be added as soon as we get the arrangements finished.

    Posts: 687

    I don’t know if it makes any difference to you guys, but I’ll be sitting in on some of the classes in the first part of December with laptops I’ve rigged up to display sonar files from the Lowrances with the display the locations of the boats on another with the maps I have.
    Plus I’m putting together a free imagery CD with a some lakes for those attending those classes who are using Global Mapper and Fugawi.

    Detroit Lake
    Dead Lake
    West Battle
    and a bay on SW Mille Lac

    Those are the ones that will be on the CD. Some thing for the more advanced to practice on. And maybe Bruce will show you the Otter Tail. I hope you understand why its not on the CD.
    Even I was surprised at what showed up on these, and Doc doesn’t even have to wait for the water to come back up.
    Hope to see you there.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Hey Warren, What do you have on West Battle? That’s where my camper trailer sits.

    Posts: 687

    You lucky dog. Tried calling but no answer. Are you running any kind of map software that will take an ECW file? If you have and you have high speed, other wise I can cut the resolution down and email you a JPG. If you were out grilling when they took the image you might be able to pick yourself out, but no doubt be able to see a trailer no problem.

    I’ve been looking for SLG files of any of these and other lakes I have in the map libary if you have any. General running across the lake stuff that I can use on the double laptop set up. I was trying to set up a date and time for some of the river rats to try it out, but couldn’t generate any interest so I’m going this route. Joe Wilson may help me on the river stuff, but I had hoped I could find a couple lakes out side what Bruce has been on to include in the demonstration of the SLG files at one of Bruce’s class’s.

    Oh by the way, your suppose to contact me.


    [email protected]

    I know your going to want this image. I’ll be out tomorrow with Bruce on Minnetonka looking for even more data for his class.

    &*^% perfectionist.

    Warren Parsons

    Posts: 687

    Spent the day on Minnetonka with Doc and its interesting what boulders look like on a color sonar. He and Bill should have some interesting new stuff this year.
    Wade, hope those images are of use to you. I forgot about doing Waconia too.


    Posts: 687

    Why do I bet people are starting to change gear all of a sudden with this weather. I’m debating on including another lake on the CD Bruce is going to be giving out on the Dec 3 class. It isn’t the quality I wanted due to reflection but it really shows the shallows on Pellican lake. There must be a lot of good fishing area on there. Any one tell me how I can post a reduced size pic of it on here, or email me and I’ll send you a copy to post or for your own use?

    [email protected]


    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    More schools and mapping classes added, dates, and locations on my website. Des Moines should be close to some of you. As usual any questions on electronic are answered here.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Guys, now is a good time to ask Doc questions about Lowrance units. Catch him during the winter while he’s not on the tourney trail.

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