Crank bait packaging.

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13346

    Does any one know why lure manufactors do not put more info on there crank bait packaging? This does not make much sence to me. Some companys put a little preformance info on them. Others nothing and some have it so goofed up on the package most people just wouldnt understand it any ways. Woudlnt it be nice if they would just include a dive chart with the lures?

    Not being a big fan of rapala in general I do have to give them some credit for includeding general running depths on the end of most of there packageing. For the money being spent on Rapalas it would be nice to see a dive chart included, and maybe have them throw in a disclaimer that the lures run at these depths when you can get then to run straight. ( had to add that last part in)
    Pradco product which are becoming my most favorite lures to us. (Love there prices and that they general run true out of the package.)Biggest complaint is that it is next to impossable to determine what type of lure you are buying. They have several lures that look very close to being the same style of lure but run at different depths and actions. Looking at the package the only way to tell them apart is to look at the code at the top of the package. this code is a good 1/8th inch tall at most. Egnore the second half of the code since that is color codes. Take the first part flip the package over and start reading threw the chart on the back to see if what you are looking at is listed there. Most times if it is just one letter or number off you may be reading the info for a different lure. I like these lures, am fairly familiar with them and also have a catolog for pradco which spell out alot more detail than what you see on the store shelf. Even with this it can be tough to figure out what I am looking at. To even take this one step farther tell me what lures you have after they are out of the package and in the tackle box. I beleive this would be next to impossable for most.

    Next is the companys that dont have any info but the price marked on the package. No thank you. Not going to by your lure so I can spend a day on the water trying to figure out what and how it runs.

    Still waiting for the day that I read on a box that this lure when trolled anywhere from 20 to 150′ feet behind the boat at speeds from .5 to 4 mph will run in a nice 5′ diameter circle.

    Love to troll crank baits but do think there could be some improvements made to them.

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