Increasing Thrust on Minn Kota Electric Motor

  • pyake
    Posts: 167

    Has anyone ever replaced parts to increase thrust on a Minn Kota electric motor. I’ve got a 50# bow mount that I would like to beef up to 70 or 80#

    Posts: 3835

    If there is a way I would email Minn Kota and they would tell you. I think you are looking at a change from one battery to two which to me sounds like a new unit to get what you want.

    Posts: 167

    There is a way and I was able to get the info from MinnKota. Basically involves changing out the power head and going to 24V as you mentioned. Fortunately for me, since I do not have Maximizer, I do not need to change out the board in the foot pedal.

    Still would like to hear from somebody who has done this in case there are any types of problems.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Pete, Would you mind sending me a PM with costs involved to do this?? Thanks!!

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Check out Kipawa props they make a 3 blade for the electric motors and are supposed to boost power. I have one on my wish list just havent got around to buying one yet. I have talked to a few guys running theses and they say they are what they claim.

    Posts: 167

    Thanks for the prop info, I will check this out.

    Info that I have been told on changing lower unit so far is that the connection between the lower unit and shaft is threaded and red locktite is used as sealant / thread lock. Wire for power head runs from the lower unit all the way to the foot pedal and must be fished through the shaft and cable to foot pedal.

    Any info from somebody who has actually done this would be appreciated. Sounds like the tricky part is removal of lower unit from the shaft. If not done correctly, the shaft threads could be ruined and would need to be replaced

    Posts: 167

    I checked ou the info on Kipawa props. Lots of good testimonials on their website. Anybody out on the IDA ever put one to use? It would be good to hear how well they work from an independent source.

    Boring, Oregon
    Posts: 43

    I’ve got one on my 824 Minnie (48# thrust). I have to admit, not a huge difference.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 182

    I tried the prop on a 67# motor guide and didn’t see much difference, sold it and got a 80# Minn Kota with the universal sonar. Got plenty of power and with the maximiser built in have fished all day and not ran out of power.

    Posts: 167

    Thanks for the field reports on Kipawa props guys

    Posts: 167

    Just beefed up my bow mount trolling motor from a 12V 50# to a 24V 70#. My motor came out before maximizer and is a 5 speed motor which allowed me to beef up to a 70# lower unit without changing out anything else but a prop and shaft (broke the old one removing the 50# lower unit).

    My next concern was being able to turn down the motor speed for low to no wind days when I just want to creep along as slowly as possible. No problem, I used to run a 12V motor on the front and 24V on back so my batteries are set up with a plug arrangement that allows me to switch quickly from 12V (parralel) to 24V (series). In 12V mode, the output of the 70# motor is appx 1/5 of what it is in 24V mode so I can actually turn the 70# motor speed down lower than I could with the 50# motor.

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