Any of you tried archiving your pictures to a CD yet? If so, any special bits of wisdom to pass along?
November 17, 2002 at 6:54 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Outdoor Gear Forum » Digital photos to CD-Roms
Any of you tried archiving your pictures to a CD yet? If so, any special bits of wisdom to pass along?
yeah I tried archiving them before…. its depends on what your trying to do…. I found the easiest is if you have some sort of software to do it… and I finally bit the bullet and bought Roxio…. expensive…. but it works really really well….. and its easy to use….. it also makes music CDs and a number of other things……
Where did you get that software? Is it at Best Buy and places like that? Or only a mail order product? Thank you
I did it at home with Easy CD Creator. Its a cd that came with the computer and very easy to use. We have backed up all out picture folders onto a cd(s) using this. Also have stored many mpeg files as well.
We are trying to learn how to save these pictures in a format that we can take over to out DVD player and watch all the pictures on the TV. You just simply advance thruough your pictures one by one. Pretty cool.
Steve, I’ll try and put some sort of a doc together for you on what needs done. I’ll try and get it to you by the end of the week. I think I’ve got you email addy, if not I’ll PM.
Another great software is Nero. Shoot me a private message, I may be able to find you some software for cheap.
Thanks but not necessary WF. I have Easy CD version 4 but have never used it. Also have a combined DVD & CD-RW drive on the computer. Again never used. Chicken at heart, but with a digital camera & printer, I’m going to get my feet wet starting in the spring when I can take pictures of my catch, hopefully.
Start saving your pictures in an orderly fashion if you haven’t already. I create different directories for each body of water by year, under my document\my pictures i.e. MilleLacs_2002. What ever works best you though. Now, when you download the pics from the camera, save the pics accordingly.
Open the Easy CD software, I haven’t run this for a while so I’m guessing, but I think it asks if you want to create a music CD or Data CD. Click on the data box, then click next. It should prompt you for directories/files. Browse to the my documents folder, my pictures, the folder or folders you want to archive off. (Hint)If you click on the top folder/file in the window on the right hand side while holding the shift key down, then click on the bottom folder/file in the same window, this will highlight the whole list. You can also click each folder/file individually by holding the control key down then clicking. These two methods help speed up the file selection process. Once you’ve selected the folders, click next.
Now you are ready to write the CD. Again, don’t remember the exact screens, but it should give you the option of “closing” the cd, this prevents you from writing to it in the future. CD roms are cheap, so don’t be affraid to expiriment. Never delete any of the files until you are sure you can open them from the CD. To test this, simply open my computer, double click on your cd-rom drive, double click on a file. If it opens, your cd write worked.
Does any of this make sense?
Yes it does. Thanks again. I’ also going to take pictures of my fishing equipment, boat motor, etc. and save them on CD just incase of lose..
Excellent idea. I started that project, but was having a hard time getting good detailed pics of the rods make/model. I need to get back at the project. I talked with the insurance agent and he will keep a copy of the cd “offsite” in case something happens to the house. Let me know if you run into problems with the burner. I’ll try and help.
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