prop replacement ?s

  • emover
    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I am not very bright , and not at all mechanical, so a little help is needed. I am about to replace a prop on my 60 hp merc, I didn’t see much help in the owners manual. It looks like there is a piece that is under the nut that locks the nut on. Is that correct? If so, do you just bend the tab down to be able to loosen the nut? If this is the case, is that piece re-usable, or do I need to get a new one? Is there anything else I need to know or get to do this? I have heard it is a good idea to make sure no line or anything has gotten stuck under prop, is this easy to get to? I know I’m asking some dumb stuff, but any and all help for a true newbie is appreciated.


    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    The piece that runs under the nut, you just have to bend that so you can pull it out, it is reusable, unless you break it. Once you have that out you just need to take that nut off, the prop should come off at this point. It is very easy to do. Place the new prop on, screw the nut on and put the piece back under the nut and lift the tab back up.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Thanks Bob
    I feel better already


    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I got er swapped, no problem, but am a bit curious, how tight is the nut supposed to be tightened? I just kind of guessed. When I took it off it seemed like it was just a ways beyond finger tight, like maybe a turn or two. I was using a socket and tighened down by hand and then added a couple of turns, maybe 3. It seems OK, but is there a correct method?


    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    It sounds like that should be ok. When I have done this is do the same, tighten it by hand and then give it a turn or two. Glad everything went smooth

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