Help on a 82 Mr Pike

  • Lardy
    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    I picked up an 82 18′ Lund Mr Pike last year. It was in rough shape but the motor ran good. The guy that was selling it replaced the main section of flooring. He mentioned that the rear seat used to be mounted on a platform.

    Can anyone describe how it was orginally setup (or send me pics). I can’t tell if there were braces accross the back where the seat is now or how the power trim was originally mounted.

    Thanks, Dave.
    [email protected]

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    View of the Bow

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I imagine it probably pretty similar to my rebel, which would just be straigh across from the tops of those little pieces sticking up in the back of the boat. and the mount is on top of that board. Personally I think the setup you have now is much better, no one can sit there really up there when you moving, and seeing that is the only other seat loaction in your boat, I personally would not attempt to put the seat back up there.

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    I’m trying to find room for the 6 gallon tank, starting battery, 2 trolling motor batteries and possibly a small reserve fuel tank.

    The below deck bow storage(in front of the live well) is pretty small and the size 27 batteries take up most of the space.

    If I put the trolling motor batteries in the back, it would be pretty tough to fish the rear seat if it’s on the main deck.

    What do you think?

    Posts: 61

    Have you thought about extending the front casting deck to the end of the console for a storage compartment to put the batteries mid-center?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Are you going to have a bow mount or transom mount trolling motor? Or both?

    How many people will usually fish out of the boat?

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    Henry, I didn’t think of that. That could be a winner.

    Wade, I’m putting on a bow mount. Most of the time 2-3 and occasionaly 4

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I was thinking the same thing as Henry. And since you won’t be running a transom mount trolling motor you could move that back seat up a bit, and off to the port side. That’d leave you some room in the back to build an electronics box and a place for your gas can, etc. Put another seat up on the bow and you’re set to fish 3 in comfort!

    Posts: 61

    As I look under the console now, I don’t know what is underneath there, but as I see you do not have a million guages – think it would be possible to make your own console that only goes down to the top of the deck with the bottom half of the console being part of the extension/storage area?

    Could even make the part that sits under the console dry storage.

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    Thanks for the input. They are both great ideas.

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