Livewell Keeps going empty?

  • Buzzbait
    Winona Mn 55987
    Posts: 86

    Hey guys I have a 1995 Nitro 170DC and my livewell works just fine while I am out fishing with the trolling motor on, but when I fire up the big motor and move spots or go back to the landing it goes empty until I stop again and then it will fill back up. Any ideas?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I hate to ask, but are you closing the drain valves on your livewell? If you are and it’s still draining, I’d say you have leak somewhere, and the physics of running will draw that water right out.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I’m not sure how your livewell is setup but on mine you have to have the plug in the bottom of the well or the water runs out when the boat is in motion. I use the same type of plug that I have in my boat drain and it works fine. To fill the livewell, you may have to give a couple of left-hand turns to your intake spout. Someone may have shut it off. Once it’s full and that plug is in there, the water should stay in the well, even on the fly.

    Posts: 47

    On my livewell I have a recirculate and (I think it sais auto or fill?) any ways. While running from spot to spot on recirculate( which is when your just pumping in air vs. fresh water) my live well will drain. I have to keep it on the other setting to keep it full.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Mine always spills out of the overflow when I am running and have to fill it back up when I am stopped.

    Posts: 22

    Perhaps your valve has debris in it. Remove screen and try rinsing with plenty of water from the livewell. Mine did the same thing earlier this year and rinsing it cured the problem

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The flapper valves can wear out and probably need to be replaced. Real easy to do – except you probably have to take out your batteries, etc. to get down into the bilge to access them. I called the manufacturer when mine went bad and they sent them to me for no charge.

    Good luck.


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