marine radio cancels out sonar

  • iwontdoit
    Posts: 15

    I have a problem with my raymarine 53 radio every time i key the mike on a channel that isnt 1 watt it will shut off the sonar part of my garmin 188c. i called garmin and they told me to wrap the cables with aluminum tape which i did and that didnt help. it also changes the water temp on the garmin by 8 degrees when the mike is keyed. i think i should probably try another radio to see if it does it also.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Its drawing too many amps on the channels that run on 25W. Wire the radio to its own battery.

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    I had this same problem. The radio was wired to the same power wire as my finder. Rewired the radio directly to the battery. Works great now. Go figure

    Posts: 15

    Well thanks for your suggestions, but they didnt work. i even went as far as to put a different battery other than the one in the boat on the radio and didnt seem to help either. any more suggestions? thanks in advance

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Relocate the anntenna away from the sonar.

    Posts: 15

    I took dereks advice and temporarily moved the garmin antenna away from the marine radio antenna about 3 foot and bingo it works . now all i have to do is permanently mount it again. thanks alot for the advice i am happy again.

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