Battery meter reading low quickly

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I’m running out of ideas. My 24v trolling motor meter dips to 75% very soon after starting out for the day. It never used to go below 100%. This started on my old batteries but they were old. It began shortly after getting new batteries and now does it every time. I have cleaned the connectors and even installed one new one. I had the batteries load tested at batteris plus last week and they tested fine. Could this be related to the current protectors on each positive terminal, a terminal connector or maybe even the meter itself? I spoke to the folks at Marine Electronics and they said it was not likely the meter. Any ideas? My next move is to eliminate the current protectors for testing then replace the other 3 terminal connectors along with 2 butt end splices the installer used on one set of battery leads.
    btw when I hook up the battery charger it takes very little time to fully recharge just like it always has so I’m 90% sure it’s not the batteries.

    Posts: 18

    I just experienced a similar problem. My trolling motor/locator is a 24 V system and after using the motor for less than 2 hrs it was reading 12 V and the motor would no longer work, only the locator. I was thinking of having the batteries tested (replaced?) also but I am interested in the response you get. If you solve the problem send me a PM and let me know. Good luck!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Couple quick stupid questions,

    1. Have you check the water level in the batteries? Have you had to add water? I assume you have since you brought it in to Batteries plus.

    2. You have the trolling motor off when check battery level right?

    3. How do you charge your batteries? How did you store them this winter?

    4. Fused or circuit breaker? I swear I had more power with a fuse, though some say that shouldn’t be true. I’m a bit doutful that wiring is the issue.

    Sorry to say the last battery that did this to me was my old one, and it did the same exact thing, though it would last me an entire weekend if I wanted to push it, the real “grunt” was lost quickly after recharging, though it seem to last nearly as long. Same exact deal witht he battery charger too, hook it up and it would be charged very quickly, which I guess could be explained as the batteries couldn’t hold much charge anymore.

    Oh try and find your recipt if your batteries are not that old, get them replaced, they are probably bad.

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