I’ll be getting a 1900 single console SE with a 200 HO E-Tec…. soon. Very soon.
I’ll be offering up test runs on that boat as well. I know there’s a PILE of people that are interested in seeing how the big E-Tec’s run so this should be a good opportunity for a bunch of interested people to put the motor, and the boat, through the paces.
The 1900 LE I’m running now is basically “on loan” to me from Smitty’s Marine while I wait for my boat to come together. In return for the loaner the dealership asked me to throw up the LE for sale to see if I could match a buyer with an awesome boat. IF you fish 2 – 3 people the LE has some advantages over the SE. If you fish 4 people regularly, the SE is the boat to go with.
The LE in the classifieds right now is FLAWLESS. I know that’s an over-used description when people are trying to sell something…. but that boat has literally been sitting in a storage shed for all but a couple weeks since it was delivered to Smitty’s back in 2003. It’s going to make someone a nice ride. If anyone wants more info on that boat, just let me know.