Berkley has come out with a new line called ironsilk.Has anybody tried this yet? I see it comes in solar.Its not mono or braid.but is more abrasion resistant.
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July 29, 2002 at 2:51 pm #239881
So ironsilk will be the hi-vis replacement for the now defunct solar! I like the idea of a real low-stretch mono…. ‘cept some of that low stretch stuff is just down-right nasty to work with when it gets cold. Anyone tried this stuff yet? I’ve seen it in stores… but not in the hi-vis version… so I’ve not tried it yet. Expensive stuff as I think it was nearly $7.50 for a spool.
July 29, 2002 at 6:38 pm #238966Yes, I have tried the Iron Silk line. When I was putting it onto the reel it always kept wanting to spring back off again. This was probably error on my part because I could not get the line to lay down nicely on the spool. So I put it on anyway and went to cast a few jigs and it really started to spring right off the reel. It seemed to have alot of memory to it. So next I went and let it float downstream until it was completely off the spool and then reeled it back on and now it works like a charm. It lays very nicely on the spool and when casting or even just opening the bail it doesn’t spring off like it use to. I didn’t lose a single jig while using it so it seems to be pretty tough stuff. To me I thought I got a little bit more feeling from this line versus the XT Solar so that is good. And it has the great hi-vis color which most of us like when jig fishing. So far i like this line but I have only fishied with it a few times. Just my two cents worth.
Jim LJuly 29, 2002 at 6:44 pm #238851Well that’s darn good news! Does it actually have the “solar” color to it or is a “hi-vis” green like has been reported to me in a PM? I like the solar color but Berkleys photochrome and “hi-vis” green leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, that tournament grade photochrome stuff is some of the worst line I’ve ever used. But I like the old solar and I’m excited to try a new product with more abrasion resistence and less stretch. How it handles in cold weather will likely be the deciding factor.
Thanks JimL!
July 29, 2002 at 6:56 pm #238793As for how it handles in the colder weather we will just have to wait and see. But it seems like pretty good stuff. It looks just about like the Hi-Vis XT Solar line. As far as color goes anyway. It was really easy to see when it was getting darker out. I agree that the photochromic line is junk. BLAAA….I just won’t say anything about that stuff. It is not worth tlaking about. I would have to say that Berkley did a good job with this line though.
You are welcome ~H20~
Jim LJuly 29, 2002 at 9:04 pm #238705Are you guys talking about the Photochromic line, the Berkley “Tournament Strength” line in the gold package?
If so, I guess everyone really does have different opinions. I don’t use the photochromic, but I have the Phantom Green color (10 lb.) on two of my spinning reels. I think this stuff is about the best line going for being strong and abrasion resistent, yet not a messy wire-like coil on a spinning reel. I like it better than XT (too stiff), XL (no abrasion resistence), Stren (bletch), and many others. Magna Thin isn’t bad, but I HATED sensor and the Sensithin. I’m now trying some of the P_line Flouroclear, seems great, but may not hold up to rocks.
July 29, 2002 at 9:27 pm #238678Yeah, that’s the stuff. In the gold package. In the 6 – 8 Lb test its been the weakest line for me I’ve ever used. And I’ve tried several different batches. I tried the stuff through the Berkleye Outlet, when it first came out, in 4 Lb test and it was appallingly weak. Spinners flying up into the trees on lob casts. Small trout breaking off on a long line. Eeegaaaddzz!! What test are you running?
You are right though how different experiences and opinions can be from one guy to the next. Its what makes discussion like this worthwhile!
July 29, 2002 at 9:37 pm #238653I’ve used it in 10 pound and 12 pound, and I think maybe a spool or two of 8. It is one of the few lines I have found that is not stiff in these larger sizes, yet strong. Man, my 10 pound seems really strong, much better than XL. I can hardly break it when it gets snagged.
I had the same experience as you with that Excaliber stuff. Loved the heavy test line, bought some 6 pound (maybe it was 4), and it seemed to bust really easy.
Wierd, I wonder why that would be. The other thing is, you don’t think whatever makes the line “Photochromic” somehow makes it weaker, do you? I’ve only used the green.
For baitcasters, all I use is P-Line C-XXX strong. That stuff is the BOMB on baitcasters, but too stiff for spinning.
July 29, 2002 at 9:44 pm #238652I don’t know how much the color matters with something like that. A guy would likely need to be a chemist to offer an informed opnion on that one! Seems to me, and this is just my experience with that photochrome line, is that the guys (mostly jig casting walleyes guys) that have used that line in the 6Lb diamater have absolutely hated it. Maybe it is a problem with only the lighter lines. I do know that I won’t use it anymore…
I’ve never tried the P Line on the bait casters but I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from guys that do. I’m still sold on the fireline for throwing cranks on dams etc. Just can’t get the same control or action out of the monos. And I just don’t lose many cranks… or fish for that matter, so I don’t think I’ll change. My customers get rods rigged with 8Lb diamter, 20 Lb test fireline and I use the 3Lb diamter – 8 Lb test. Love the stuff…
July 30, 2002 at 1:32 pm #236822I tried some sensor this year on a spin cast, and hated it, and I tried it on a baitcaster and loved it! I would love to see the good ol XL made into a solar! It would be awesome! The tournament strngth Trilene is what I have been using a lot of, and do like it very much.
July 30, 2002 at 6:33 pm #236498I’ve spooled a little of the Ironsilk, but have taken just as much off. It could have been put on wrong?? I’m going to try a spool of the 6lb test for jiggin this fall, I’ve always had such good luck with XL I’ve never experimented much. One thing about the iron, it does stretch a lot, but it seems to “spring” back when you release the tension. XL would just break under the same conditions.
One thing I’ve noticed about the general consumer. They almost always use line that is way higher test than necessary in my opinion. Of course each application varies. I get a lot of guys that want 10 or 12 lb test, I rarely use anything over 8, most of the time I use 6lb for jigging and 8 for rigging.
I have converted most of my bait casters to power pro 20lb, previously 14/6 fireline. I love the stuff for trolling cranks!! I’ve also got a spool of the 10/2 power pro on my lindy rod. Haven’t had the chance to fish with it yet though.
July 30, 2002 at 7:16 pm #236423I agree, many people that show up in my boat have much thicker line than needed. I tried the Berkley Sensation this year for slip bobbers up at Mille Lacs. It has held up to the abrasion of slip bobber sliding, and knots well. I have also been using it for leader material, and can honestly say I have not had a fish induced break off. It is kind of a combo of XL and XT.
July 31, 2002 at 6:08 pm #235891Waterfowler,
The silk should be fine as long as you’re never in a situation where you need to feed any line. That same spring back on the stretch will spring right off your spool………….personal experience. I love XL too but it just doesn’t stand up to the riggers of “surprise fish”……….namely pike. I still use XL from time to time but I’ve limited it to waters free of pike……………way to wimpy! Oh, I’ve gotten them to the boat too but still, too many breaks.
August 7, 2002 at 6:12 pm #245094Gander has the Ironsilk in Hi Vis on sale for $6.39/ 300 ft roll.
I picked up a spool of 6 lb and am anxious to try some vertical jigging with it. Also all of their lures are 25% off except certain styles of Raps.August 8, 2002 at 3:36 am #245108Thanks SteveO!!
I’ll be picking some up ASAP and I’ll do a little review on my findings… although the true cold weather test will have to wait a bit yet.
August 8, 2002 at 12:30 pm #245114I spooled some 6lb. hi vis on a stradic 2000 the other day. Seemed to go on nicely. Waiting for my 6’3″ Avid medium xfast to show up. Once that is here, I’ll be begging one of my buddies to get me out on the water test out. Hopefully I’ll have a report soon.
August 9, 2002 at 8:28 pm #245178I’ve never fished with Solar, but the Ironsilk looks to be about the same color and everything. Hope it helps me become a better vertical jigmeister. I haven’t spooled it up yet.
August 9, 2002 at 8:30 pm #245179It will make a noticable difference in your vertical jigging success… but make ALL the difference casting jigs. If you’ve NOT been using hi-vis line in the past when casting light jigs… oh man, you’re in for a treat!
August 9, 2002 at 8:59 pm #245182James,
fireflick taught me a lesson last April on Pool 4 up by the dam.
Mondo saug-dog bite going on that day. First time in my life I saw 20 in. plus sauger. Flick was using the Solar and, of course, catching most of the fish. I would say it was about 3 to 1. Well, let’s just say I learnt my lesson that day.
Can’t wait to try it this fall.August 9, 2002 at 9:05 pm #245183I love 6# Trilene XT Solar, I still have 3 unused spools, plus two spinning reels with the solar. I do not dare go out and buy the Ironsilk yet as the boss would be
and I would bein deep doo doo!!!! But it’s still temping to sneak out and get some
August 10, 2002 at 10:21 am #245208Another good trick to have in your arsenal when jigging in fairly constant depth is to tie a bobber-stop knot above the waterline using hi-vis to make twitchy fish more detectable.
It’s a pretty useable aid, especially on lakes where hi-vis line will get you some funny looks.
August 14, 2002 at 12:55 am #245344Hey Guys Ralph at Four Seasons has a stock pile of this stuff in about any lb test you would like and if fairly cheep also.
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