power augers?

  • starkj25
    Posts: 216

    Can someone tell me what the best kind of power auger is for under $300, I want something that works good but it doesnt have to be the top of the line.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    a new model 30 jiffy, or a good used lazor mag,try the lazor mag before you buy if its used.. the lazor is way lighter then the jiffy. my 2 cents..

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I have a Model 30 in the 8 inch and wouldn’t go to any other model. Last year I tried a brand new 2HP Jiffy with the Stealth cutting system. It dang near went through the ice before I started it, cuts VERY fast. My Jiffy will be modified to Stealth specs the next time it needs blades.

    As for the Lazers they cut fast but, the blades are expensive and throw aways. They are curved so it is not possible to accuratly re-sharpen them. A few buddies run the Lazers and love them until it is time to spend 30 bucks on blades.

    The engines are all the same. The only difference is the Lazers engine is mounted a little different putting the throttle and exhaust in an odd position if your used to a Jiffy.

    Posts: 216

    what is the price of the model 30 8″?

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 155

    I also would have to say jiffy not that there is any thing wrong with a strike master auger but if you look at any resort that runs in the winter most of the lake guys run jiffys because they last

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    fleet farm had them for $270 a week or or two ago,i have a 10 jiffy stealth 3 horse still on the first tank of gas and i entered a auger contest,got beat of course with a 10 but i lost only two the 2 lazor mags,yes there was more then 3 augers in it, 8 or 10 augers, i bought a jiffy for the main reason the blades any one can sharpen them,and that 3 horse sounds nice , i am really pleased with it..

    Posts: 216

    does anyone know anything about the eskimo Mako 8″ with a 1.75 hp motor, it is at cabelas for $229? any info would be nice, I dont know a whole lot about ice augers, last year i bought a lazer hand auger, it works great until there is 2 feet of ice then i have to find someone else to go fishing with.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    The Eskimo is a reliable unit as well. My experience with them is that in a deep cold winter, the auger is too short. Maybe they have since changed that? The price you mentioned for the Eskimo is a premium price IMO for a third place unit. This time of year you can find a Jiffy for that with a little looking. Walmart closes stuff right out. If you hit the right time they darn near pay you to take stuff from them!

    Posts: 4523

    Starkj25, stick with a 2hp, I had a model 30 3hp and upgraded to a 2hp and will never go back. The 3hp has to warm up before using it and the 2hp starts a lot better. I have the lazer mag ultra.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    The warm-up issue is more a carb jetting problem than an engine size IMO. I can start my 3hp and run it without problems, but my jetting is spot on. No matter what engine a person chooses it is wise to let them run for a bit before running it wide open. Cold seizures are no fun.

    Posts: 216

    it seems like some of these are getting out of my price range!! i dont really care if it is the fastest ice auger out there i just need something that will cut a hole without working your butt off

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I picked up my Strikemaster Lazer 2hsp 6″ blade for just over $200 at Gander Mountain last year at the tail end of the season…That unit has done me very well !!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    How does that 6″ cut? I went with a 7″ this year but really wanted that 6″. I may go with the 6, 7 & 10 next year. That 7″ cuts so fast it is unbelievable.

    Posts: 216

    does that strikemaster lazer have an 8″ size 6″ seems a little small for tip up fishing, but i dont really need a 10″

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    yeah they have and 8 ,my old one was a 7,but and eight is a nice size hole..

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    This is the time of the year to buy one. About a year ago I got a 8″ 3hp Jiffy Stealth for $300 on clearance at Fleet Farm. So, if $300 is your price point you should be able to find something very nice.

    Posts: 216

    what are your thoughts on the eskimo Mako 8″ with a 2hp motor, and which is better curved or straight blades?

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    They had one of those augers at a tournement i was at and from what i seen i think you would like the strikemaster or jiffy, the curved blades like on a lazor mag cut very well when sharp,and when they get dull buy new not resharpen and they are around $40,jiffy has the chipper style blades and a guy with a file can dang near sharpen them, comes down two prefrence and both augers have there draw backs..

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    my first auger was a 8″ mako. I now own a strike master. The mako is a great auger for the cash. I was in the postion you are in and you can’t go wrong with the mako. The unit has the same motor as strikemasters but its geared down a bit. I never had a problem with mine the four years I had it. And it cut quite well when compared to others. They have two types of blades, turbo cut, and somethign else, The turbo are great blades and they last. That auger always came through for me when I depended on it. So, if you want a new auger the mako will meet your needs and may even surprise you a bit.

    Posts: 216

    i think that this is the auguer that i will probably go with. thanks

    Maple Grove MN
    Posts: 13

    I have had a mag2000 for about 5 years. It always started right up even on the coldest days. I recently sold it and bought the 1.2hp eskimo stingray. At first I was leary due to the smaller motor but let me tell ya, I would buy another in a heartbeat. I do a lot of hole drilling and moving and the thing seems much lighter to transport. Ive drilled a couple hundred holes since I bought it a couple of weeks ago with no problem. The regular price of $199 and sale price of 179 didn’t hurt any. I raced my bud with his barracuda with turbo blades and he beat me through minnetonka by about 1 second. The stingray has 2 quantum blades. Two thumbs up from me. It will get another workout on red this weekend.

    Kalamazoo, MI
    Posts: 2

    I have a Strikemaster Lazer mag 8″ I got it at Gander Mountain on clearance for less than $250 bucks. I saw em there a few weeks ago for less than $300 regular price. I’ve had mine for 4 years now w/no troubles. 2 blades cuts like nobodys business. 2hp engine. I’d recommend Strikemaster based on the above & anyone I’ve heard that did have a concern got great customer service from them immediately.

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