Thinking about buying a new Vex or Marcum. Can anyone lead me to a great deal on either. The only price I’m finding is $400 for the FL-18 or the LX-3.
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Flasher prices
February 15, 2005 at 5:06 am #343214
sometimes by calling the distributor or company they can get you a reconditioned one cheaper, but the prices sound about right for retail. keep in mind where do i go for repair?
February 15, 2005 at 5:54 am #343222Juggs, As far as new units go, that’s the price you’ll find at most places. At Jolly Ann Marine, you can save quite a bit with no sales tax (since you are in MN) and free shipping. Otherwise, you might watch the classified ads here at IDA or even put up a wanted post in the classified ads. You can find some good deals on used items once in a while.
February 15, 2005 at 12:39 pm #343245I have boughten locators, flashers, handheld GPS, VHS Radio, and several Navionics chips from Wade and everytime I have gotten excellent service. If I sound like a satisfied customer its because I’m a very satisfied customer.
Thanks, BillFebruary 16, 2005 at 2:33 am #343455Prices sound about right. The Marcum is also available in a LX-2 for about a hundred less. I like the Marcums because they don’t drive you nuts with that ever present “chirrrrrrrrrr” noise the Vexilar makes. I have an old Zercom LCD 40 and refuse to upgrade to the Vexilar as they are too loud. This years Marcums are as close to silent as one can hope for from a mechanical flasher.
February 16, 2005 at 3:05 am #343464My Fl-18 is whisper quiet
And it doesn’t need all that power to run it..all the smarts are in the reciever
February 16, 2005 at 3:37 am #343473What did you guys do to make your Vexilars quiet? Everyone I have ever heard made the annoying scratching sound of the wheel spinning. Even the new ones I looked at this winter.
My dad has a Vexilar, new last year, and that one is not only noisey but a power hog as well. After 7-8 hours of constant run time it is dead. Granted that is a lot of fishing time, more than the average bear will go in one sitting. I ran my Zercom for over 24 hours straight with the light on trying to kill the battery. I had to finaly shut it off because the dang tick tick tick noise from the transducer kept me awake long enough.
February 16, 2005 at 4:11 am #343485I guess i’m not sure of what your talking about???
The day of fishing before the Ice GTG here on P-10 I had my Vex on all day in my ice house(forgot i left it on
) and it still had plenty of juice to run a couple more outings…You may need to get that battery checked out…and as far as noise ? I seriously can not hear but a faint humm to my Vex…Just got it this year…
February 16, 2005 at 4:15 am #343489Vexilar does have an extremely fast wheel. Any wheel type flasher will have more battery consumption than a LCD wheel-less flasher. Ive gotten two full days from a fully charged 7amp battery. Some of my older FL-8 units made some noise but I haven’t seen that with the FL-18’s that I have. I’ve seen some units that were really screaming loud but they needed service, usually a brush issue from being old.
February 16, 2005 at 1:50 pm #343531Koonce, that is why your does not hummmm as bad. It is the older models that do. When I ran Vexilar Products years ago they hummed really bad and got worse as it got colder. They have improved some but there is still a humm. You are just used to it.
Get that LX-3 you were looking at. If you are going to buy one you should get the best
Yes, I am sponsored by Marcum, because I believe they not only make the best Flasher on the Market but also the best under water cameras.
February 16, 2005 at 2:45 pm #343544The best thing to do is compare each unit and decide what unit will best fit your needs. Each unit is completely different.
February 16, 2005 at 5:26 pm #343568ok guys…Lets settle this like men…
Vex against Marc
And may the best team win !!!
Derek you and me is gonna wipe some tail
February 16, 2005 at 5:31 pm #343572Plenty of ice if you can get on it…The river came up 3 feet from the GTG and just another 6 tenths of a foot from yesterday
February 17, 2005 at 12:45 am #343714Quote:
ok guys…Lets settle this like men…
Vex against Marc
And may the best team win !!!
Derek you and me is gonna wipe some tail
Hey, don’t forget to include my old Zercom! That old beast is still the best I have tried at “seeing” fishing hugging the rocks. It seems like the LED “quivers” much better than the wheel flashes.For what it’s worth my dad can’t hear his vexilar either. He is a little more than half deaf though, I’m pretty sure.
I have honestly been able to hear his locator in my shack when were 15 feet apart. Maybe my hearing is a bit goofey to that kind of noise.
February 17, 2005 at 1:40 am #343735I was very pleased with my Clearwater Classic when it hit the market, until I started fishing my panfish lakes that hold alot of plankton and bugs. The screen was so cluttered I couldn’t see what was fish and what was my bait. The problem only got worse after dark. A good example of how too much power can be a disadvantage.
February 17, 2005 at 5:39 am #343802nobody start the marcum vex chevy ford stuff here. I’ve fished both side by side. Making long story short. I like the crisp separation of marcum but I can’t get used to the colors. If marcum had good solid red green orange on the screen I’d sell my 18 to you right now for 275 and get a marcum tommorow.
February 18, 2005 at 3:01 am #344074The only thing I dislike about my Clearwater is that in water say, 18 feet deep, my jig always vanishes from 13 to 15 feet. Above or below it is there. Sometimes, depending on the bottom make-up, it shows up. Strange but it has never prevented me from catching fish.
As for the Marcum/Vexilar thing, I could get used to the colors much easier than the droning. I’d prefer they revive the Clearwater again…Hehehe.
February 18, 2005 at 3:08 am #344085Vexilar also offers blue and purple lights for us color blind folks.
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