Doc Samson on GPS, Sonar, Mapping & More Q&A

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    We have intvited Doc Bruce Samson to provide a question and answer session for us here and

    Here is some information about Doc Samson:

    Professional Walleye Angler, # 1 All Time Money Winner in Professional Walleye Tournaments, author of Advanced Electronic Series in the Walleye In-sider. He is a full time pro angler which includes tournaments, sponsor promotions, research & development. Doc is an educator in the field with his focus on Electronics (Sonar, GPS, and Mapping) and Boat Control thru seminars and schools. Doc Samson conducts the “Lowrance School” with Bill Diedrich. Doc has produced a couple of instructional DVDs, Your Lowrance – A complete basic instruction on the Lowrance system and Mastering Boat Control. Both DVDs are available for purchase at Doc’s website The Lowrance Instructional DVD is also available at Jolly Ann Marine.

    Doc is very experienced with Lowrance but tells us that his experience with other manufacturers products is limited. The Lowrance information can also be helpful for most Eagle products.

    Guidelines for this Q&A thread

    This specific thread is for Q&A only. We have invited Doc Samson here and he is a guest of Let’s be sure to treat him as a guest.

    Please only ask questions in this thread. Doc will answer questions as he has time. We’re trying to keep this clean and organized for Doc, and it should make a nice reference for all viewers when completed. If anyone has any questions about this format, please let me know. My email is below.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, Let’s start with some GPS questions. I watched your video and found it helpful. I think it’d be helpful for our viewers if you could explain the benefits of using MapCreate in general, and specifically for managing Waypoints (WPT backup on your computer, etc.).

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Welcome Doc. I have the same question. I would also want to know if there is anyway to “improve” the Navonics maps (other then just simple waypoints) with Mapcreate.


    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    First, MapCreate has no depth contours. This is a common question. Also, MapCreate can not improve Navionics maps. I transfer my waypoints, trails, and icons to MapCreate from my Lowrance GPS. I then save them as a file to my computer (hard drive) as a back up in case my GPS loses them. I also edit the waypoints by changing names and symbols. It is a lot easier than doing this in the boat. You also need MapCreate to export waypoints to LakeMaster. I do this in order to see the waypoints on their contour maps. Once you do this you will be hooked! Doc

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, Here’s a question from one of our members:

    What is the ping rate or PPM on the Lowrance units. And can the ping rate be adjusted and if so how does this effect the sonar?

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I only know the ping speed for Lowrance LCX models. Maximum ping speed is 33 pings per second. Default is 10 at 60 ft. I set mine at 100% because the higher ping speed is better for displaying fish when the boat is moving at 20-30 mph. Fish seen at that speed look like spikes since they are under the boat for a short time. I have some pictures of this and maybe Wade will find a way to display them for you. Doc

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, we have another question about adjusting sensitivity and colorline correctly. Can you provide some tips on this topic?

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    This is a recording of fish at 25 mph replayed in the SonarViewer from the Missouri River.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    This is recording of the same fish at 2 mph. I turned around and followed my trail while trolling.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I leave my colorline set at 70-75%. The way get the best settings is to record charts and replay them in the SonarViewer. Find something interesting, pause the recording, and adjust the colorline and sensitivity to get the best picture. When you in the boat the interesting data dissappears before you can play with the settings.
    Sensitivity can be left on automatic for 95% of users as this function worksd very well. If you use manual sensitiviy there is no pat answer as I adjust the sensitivity depending on depth. Remember that increasing the sensitiviy is increasing the amplication of the returning sound waves (echoes). In shallow water the sensitivity needs to be lower than in deep water as more echoes are returning so you can have too much information on the screen(clutter). If you have a Lowrance Sonar/GPS the recording function is at the bottom of the Sonar menu. This tool is rarely used. I demonstate the recorded charts at the Lowrance School and most leave asking what size of card to buy!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, we’ve got a few more questions here.

    1. Someone asked which unit the images are from? LCX-19C or 104C?

    2. On your DVD you talk about some special functions of the pages button, as well as some other key functions that folks might not be so familiar with. Can you talk about that a bit?

    3. What are your thoughts on Color versus monochrome units?

    (I believe Doc will be on the road and return Friday so he may not get to questions for a while.)

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    1. I recorded the charts on a X104c, but it doesn’t make any difference which model you use. The recording are just raw data to be displayed later. For example: a recording on a monochrome X15 will display in color when you replay it in the SonarViewer, color Emulator, or X19.
    2. The pages button opens a window so you can select your split screen choices. If you have a split screen displayed on your model and push the pages button twice, you change which screen is active(highlighted at the top bar just like all windows on your computer). This is important when you use the zoom function when you are using a split screen. If you have a plotter screen on the left and sonar on the right you can only zoom in on the screen that is active(highlighted). I suspect we have all been puzzled by this. I was until I read the manual. REAL MEN don’t read manuals!
    3. Color is easier to separate fish from the bottom and for bottom composition changes. The new color screens are also easier to read in sunlight. We all want color after seeing a color screen, but the cost is a factor. This will change. There are no monchrome TVs and computers anymore.
    My trip was cancelled so keep the questions coming.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Thanks Doc,

    I have heard complaints about Grayline/Colorline. The complaint is that no matter what the setting on the grayline/colorline, the bottom returns essentially the same. A “hard” looking return turns out to be actually mud or silt. Bumps that are obviously rocks sitting on a soft bottom return with same looking grayline/colorline as the rest of the (soft) bottom.

    What do you think?


    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    Colorline/grayline are best at showing transitions. You have to understand your settings for depth. This example is a recording while fishing a mud gravel transition with a bottom reading of 27 ft. Sensitivity 83% colorline 70%.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    This the same recording as the one above but I have changed the sensitivity to 88% and the colorline to 80%. The best way to learn the correct settings for you is to record charts, view them in the SonarViewer, and practice adjusting the settings.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, Some folks are not so familiar with SonarViewer. Can you explain more about that? What is it?

    Another viewer asks about data cards. The question is, do you have to use Lowrance data cards or will any cards work? What size cards are you using to record data?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Doc, when transferring a trail to a MMC/SD memory card, the card’s available memory is indicated in MB. My question: Is the size of the trail file (memory required on the card) indicated somewhere? What would happen if the trail transferred was larger than the memory availible? Would a saved trail be over written or would only the portion of the trail that fits be transferred?

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174


    Have you ever used the FlashGraf feature that is available on some of the Lowrance/Eagle units and if so what’s your impression of it. Is FlashGraf a serviceable substitute for a real flasher? Is FlashGraf as real-time as a real flasher? The reason I ask is because I’m considering putting a graph on my bow but I know alot of folks like a flasher up front so if the FlashGraf is adequate I’d use it instead of having a flasher and a graph up front. Thanks for your input. This is a great educational thread!!!


    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The SonarViewer is free software that comes with the MapCreate CD or is a free download from The chart recording are like a VCR recording and the SonarViewer is like your VCR. Most Lowrance users have not recorded any charts so they haven’t used the SonarViewer. They need to this summer! The data card is a memory card MMC or SD(Secure Disc) The SD has a lock so data can’t be erased but they otherwise the same. Any MMC/SD card will work. I have heard of some that don’t but it is a problem with the card manufacturer. I have used 3 different brands without a problem. I recommend setting the chart quality on high to get the recording quality I have demonstrated. High quality recordings take one megabyte/min so a 256MB card gives you 4 hours of recording.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The size of a trail is not available until you save it. Trails, icons, and waypoints are saved as .usr files and take very little memory. For example: my Mille Lacs waypoint and trail file is only 16 Kbytes. The smallest card is 8 megabytes. I have never experienced running out of memory as my cards are never full. I would call Lowrance tech support 800-324-1356 or try to over fill a card and see what happens. I was told by one person that he did it once and all the data didn’t copy and it didn’t overwrite data. This is only one testimonial. I recommend a blank card when you are transferring data so there is no chance of error.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I have used the flashgraf and I prefer the graph display. I have not used it enough to give an expert opinion. I did find that you need to decrease the sensitivity as there is too much information at the graph setting. It is real time as the processers are now fast enough to display realtime. This the same reason you can see fish at 25 mph now and couldn’t with the X-85. The processers have improved immensely just like our computers compared to 5 years ago.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I have used the flashgraf some last year and I will put more time into it next year. It is realtime as the processers are now fast enough. I adjust the sesitivity down because there is too much information at the gragh setting. Has anybody else had any experience with the flashgraf?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Doc, 1. Can you tell us some of the benefits of using the Lowrance product emulators? 2. Can you provide some information on the use of Fugawi and Lakemaster with Lowrance GPS.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    I plug my MMC data card reader into the USB Port, DATA.USR file shows in the window that pops up.
    What program do I use to open this file?

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    This is the condensed version as there are many uses of the folowing software.
    1.Emulator: this a free download from It is displayed on your computer screen and has all the functions of your Lowrance model. For those that have my Lowrance Instructional DVD, this is what I used to demonstrate all the functions of each button. The cursor is your finger and the left click is like pushing your finger so you can operate it like your own model. This is a great way to practice going thru all the menus and setting while we wait for the water to get soft.
    2.LakeMaster has mapping software that you can import your waypoints and view them on their contour maps. LakeMaster has the best high definition maps for Minnesota and Wisconsin (1 and 3 foot contours). They have one high definition for North Dakota (Devil’s Lake).Hopefully they will expand their states in the future. They have their high definition maps on MMC cards for Lowrance but I like to view my waypoints on the computer instead of a small screen in the boat(besides fishing distracts me).
    3.Fugawi has Fishing Hot Spots maps recently released however I haven’t viewed them. FHS is not high definition surveys. You can import your waypoints into Fugawi for viewing. I use topographic maps and aerial photos in Fugawi.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Doc, As you no doubt know “Vertical Pixels Per Linear Inch” is a measurement of resolution. In order to calculate this measure of resolution for the LCX-25c, which I am planning on buying when it becomes available, I need to know the width (W) and height (H) dimensions of the 7”(diagonal) display window. I know the Vertical Pixel Count for the LCX-25c is 480V. I need the display window dimensions, the H dimension in particular, to make the calculation. Would you happen to have this information? Thanks!

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    MapCreate will open the data.usr file. Open mapCreate, select file in the upper left, select open GPS data file, find your card reader with data.usr, double click it and your waypoints, icons, and trails will be displayed in MapCreate. They still aren’t saved to your computer yet. Select file, select Save GPS File As, and pick where you want to save them. I will discuss this and more in the Walleye In-sider Doc’s Advanced Electronic Tutorials this spring.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Doc I have a GPS tracking problem I think. I have a I-finder pro. I’ve been using it for two years and like it. My problem is when tracking I have noticed the track is off about 80 to 100 feet when on the 0.2 zoom. I’m using Mapcreate 6 . My question is if mapcreate 6 is off that much will it be off that much when I put in the Navionics hotspots chip. Is there a way to offset this ? Is this what (setup map fix) is for ? To adjust the map overlay ? If so how can I make the adjustment? I have checked the unit out and it does a great job returning to a waypoint. Very close..Am I creating a problem trying to be accurate ? Unit is set on ( deg/min/sec. Jim

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The MapCreate map has nothing to do with a Navionics map or waypoints. They will be accurate even if the MapCreate map you created is inaccurate. My experience with MapCreate is that some of the roads and other data are off. This doesn’t matter for my use. I use my waypoints, Navionics, LakeMaster, or Lowrance map cards to find the fishing spots. I have looked at setup map fix and I found no use for it. There are a lot of functions in Lowrance’s menus that I have no use for at the present time. I think they put some functions in for the future and don’t tell us why. For example: I looked at the log chart function for 2 years before I used it! If anybody has used setup map fix please post.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Doc. Thank You This helps me out quite a bit. Jim

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