I am looking for a Double Bull Ground Blind, anyone know where I can get the best price on one or where I could get a used one?
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Double Bull Ground Blind
January 24, 2005 at 12:36 am #338195
I know this might not help, but there is a used one at Cabela’s in Prairie Du Chein in the bargain cave. I don’t recall the price, but it was the T-5 in Evolution. Other than that, I am not sure where the best price would be at, as they are priced pretty much the same everywhere.
One thing you might want to check is the IP-5. It is the import T-5. That is the one I have and I paid $325 for it brand new. The one I have is an oak leaf pattern and works very well I will keep an eye out for ya.
What are your preferences as far as size,pattern, and price?January 24, 2005 at 1:28 am #338206I do not know allot about the different sizes, it needs to be big enough for me and my daughter. I plan on using it for turkey hunting & deer hunting with my daughter, it will probably get used more for deer hunting so I would probably lean more to a fall pattern. As for price I have not priced them much yet so I do not know what a good price is. Archery Headquarters in Rochester will have New Double Bull Blinds on sale for $399 regular price $449, not sure which one this is just going off a flyer I picked up at the BWA EXPO yesterday, that price seems a little high to me.
January 24, 2005 at 1:48 am #338211Actually, that is the going price for them. I am going to assume that it is going to be the T-5. They have plenty of room for two people and still room to move around. I would stay with the Evolution pattern if possible since it blends pretty good in most situations. Turkeys really don’t care what pattern it is, but the deer do sometimes. There is basically 2 main sizes, the T-2 and the T-5. Within the T-5, there are a few different options. For instance mine has a waterfowl top. And what that means is I have a triangle section of the roof that zips open to shoot out of. There are several different window patterns as well. My buddy bought one last year that is different than mine, and I really like it. It has better windows and also has a black flap that folds down behind you giving you a black background.
January 24, 2005 at 6:34 pm #338308Steve – bought a T2 at Archery Headquaters last Nov. $260. Plenty of room for 2 people in there.
January 27, 2005 at 3:19 pm #339018I have the T5 and love it! You can easily have three people in it. Fast and easy to set up. Turkeys are clueless to these blinds. Don’t settle for a cheap imitation. Double Bull is the only blind to have. Archery Headquarters is the way to go. Marty sometimes has used ones he sells for very reasonable prices. As for new, his are the best price ones I’ve found in the area.
January 27, 2005 at 6:07 pm #339067I will second that the Double Bull blinds are the best. You can buy the others for alot less, but the quality is not even close. Most of the other brands are thin material that is very reflective and loud. The DB are easy to set up, once you learn the proper way When I first got mine, I failed to read the directions (go figure ) and it swallowed me up. Once I watched the video on how to do it right, you are set up in seconds. They also hold the water out very well on those wet spring days or even in the fall while bowhunting. I can’t think of a better investment when it comes to hunting, besides a good firearm.
January 29, 2005 at 2:54 pm #339451Thanks for all the info guys, Marty at Archery Headquarters is having his Moving Sale & 13th Annual Flea Market on Saturday Feb 5th I will have to go and check it out.
AmWatson what is your opinion on a Double Bull in Predator Camo for deer hunting?January 30, 2005 at 2:21 am #339515Personally, I think that is the best color on the market for all seasons, especially deer. The Predator pattern blends in so easily under all conditions and seasons. The Deception pattern is second best only to Predator’s Fall Grey. I have had deer 5 feet way and not spook, but I have had deer 200 yards spook . When using it for deer, just try and break up the outlines of the blind a little with branches and such or set it up with plenty of background cover to break it up and they will be great. I shot my first bow deer from the DB, so they work
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