Thanks you guys! We love it when customers are happy with our products. We work hard to put out the best we can and when guys come back with good reviews like this it makes this business TWICE as much fun!
Just so everyone knows, we have some new contact info. I bought B FISH N Tackle Co. from Mike Little early this fall and the warehouse is now located in Prairie du Chien, WI. Our e-mail address is: [email protected] and phone is now: 608-412-0170
If you didn’t know the company moved I consider that a GOOD thing! Most companies go through some growing pains after a move like this but through some hard work and help from friends hopefully people will have nothing but great things to say about our customer service since the switch.
If anyone has any questions, just let me know. Oh yeah, EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING we sell at is on sale 10% off for the month of December!
Happy holidays,
Dave Koonce