Navionics Maps for GPS – Mississippi River

  • john23
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Does anyone use a Navionics GPS map on the ol’ Miss? I recently bought a Lowrance 330C and if there is a decent navigational map available for the river, I’d like to get it.

    I’d be interested in Pools 2-4, and 8-11. Thanks for the help!



    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The new Navionics Premium chip has a decent map of 2-4. It’s not as dead nuts on as the Mille Lacs map, but it is very close. It is 100 times better than the built in base map. I got mine from Jolly Ann. Wade can get you set up ASAP.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi John,
    I added an LMS-480 this year, with the Nav. Premium chip, works very nicely. not remember is pool4 and st croix is in 3 or 5 foot intervals, but pretty accurate. wingdams do not show up as a line, but there is text that says “wingdam”. I have not had it on Pool 3 yet. Jack..

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I have the chip for Mn/Ia and it has pool 4 on it and like it very much. I also just bought the River chip but haven’t had the chance to use it yet as been playing with a jon boat I bought for backwaters etc. Jolly Marine can set you up with either chip. Thanks, Bill

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    There is also a “Navigatable Rivers” chip from Navionics that covers the Mississippi River as well as others. The biggest difference is it contains only the USACE maps where as the Premium #10 chip replaces the maps for pools 4,8, and 13 with the “hot-spots” map. I’m not sure about accuracy of 4 and 8 but the hot-spots data for 13 is very poor and pre-93 flood where the USACE data is only a couple of years old.

    If accuracy is important and one doesn’t fish the MN or IA lakes much the “Navigatable Rivers” chip might be better option.

    #10 is probably the right choice for most but hope this helps make a more informed decision.

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