Eagle Color Fishfinders and GPS New Releases 2005

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Here’s the details on the new Eagle Color Fishfinders and GPS.

    Eagle FishElite 500C Color Fishfinder/GPS Combo – This unit is very much the same as the current Lowrance LMS 330C and would be a nice choice for someone looking for a color combo unit to run Navionics maps. The unit comes with temp. and GPS speed (but not a separate speed wheel). GPS speed can be overlaid on the sonar and GPS screens. Depth and temp. can be overlaid on either screen as well.

    Eagle SeaCharter 500C DF dual frequency color Fishfinder/GPS Combo – The SeaCharter 500C is basically the same as the FishElite 500C except it is a dual frequency unit, has a little more power, and it comes with the speed wheel included. Our distributor has a special introductory price on this unit so we are actually able to offer for a little less than the FishElite 500C right now. Again, a very nice unit for someone looking for a color combo unit that will run Navionics maps.

    Eagle FishMark 500C Fishfinder – The Eagle FishMark has a tradition of being a great unit at a great price and the FishMark 500C carries that tradition into the color spectrum. This is a full-sized single frequency color fishfinder with built-in temp. for just under $400. Color units are obviously getting more and more affordable for the average angler.

    Eagle SeaFinder 500C DF dual frequency color fishfinder – The SeaFinder 500C is similar to the FishMark 500C but it has a dual frequency transducer, is a little more powerful, and the separate speed sensor is included (as well as temp). Again, we are able to offer this unit at a special price right now, making it one heck of a good deal.

    Eagle IntelliMap 500C Color GPS – This is a full-size fixed-mount color GPS, similar to the Lowrance GlobalMap 3300C. Another nice option for running Navionics Maps in color. Priced just under $400.

    Eagle FishEasy 320C color fishfinder – This little unit makes it affordable for just about anyone to own a color sonar if they want to, at just under $200!

    All of these units are slowly making there way into inventory. As of today, we have the 320C in stock but the rest are still to come. It shouldn’t be too long now. Eagle will also be releasing large-screen units this winter. The large-screen units will be available in sonar only, and in GPS combo units and will run about $700 to $1,200 (in that range). They’ll be similar to the Lowrance LCX series as it is now. I’ll post updates on new releases as time allows.

    Here’s a link to details on Navionics Lake Maps and Navionics River Maps , compatible with all the above GPS and Combo units.

    Feel free to post any questions here or in a PM/email.

    Thanks! — Wade

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ll be in touch shortly about ordering some of these units!!! I can’t wait to try out the color!!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    I’m going to be in the market for buying a new locator.

    What is your opinion on the better unit, dollar for dollar……….The Eagle 480 or the new Eagle color Fisheasy? Both are basically the same price and yes, the Fisheasy is a bit smaller, but what would you recommend????

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Gary, that’s a great question, and not really that easy to answer. It basically comes down to this: 1.5 inches more screen on the 480 versus the smaller but color screen on the 320C. If you twisted my arm and made me choose one, I’d say the 320C, especially if you’re like me and you do most of your fishing at or very close to the fishfinder. Obviously, you can’t get really far away and expect to read the unit very well. However, in direct sunlight you’ll probably be able to read the 320C better than the 480. Also, because the 320C is smaller in size, you will actually get a little better clarity/definition due to a higher pixels per square inch count (320Vx240H pixels on 3.5 inches instead of 5 inches). Hope that makes sense…

    Honestly, someone could very easily argue for the 480 with the larger screen (hell, I could make that argument myself). But, since you twisted my arm, I’m going to take color as the determining factor in this case.

    Any other easier questions are welcome…

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    The pixel count is per the whole screen, or per square inch?

    If the pixel count is per the whole screen, I would have better “target separation” with the smaller screen, since I have “tighter” pixels, correct?

    I don’t care about screen size as much as target separation. And as it appears, the color unit has “more” to offer in that aspect, correct????

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Gary, In my above post I wasn’t very clear regarding the pixel counts. I was referring to the 320C’s pixels per inch versus full size color units (one’s with a 5 inch screen or larger). I’ll try to clear up the mess I made…

    The Eagle 480 actually has a higher pixel per inch count, even though it is a five-inch screen (due to the 480×480 pixel resolution). The rough number work like this:

    320C (240×320 pixels on a 3.5 inch screen): 76,800 pixels total/3.5 inches (diag) of screen = 21942.9 pixels per diag. inch

    Eagle 480 (480×480 pixels on a 5-inch screen): 230,400 pixels total/5 inches of diag screen = 46080 pixels per diag inch

    This is not the truest way to calculate pixels per inch but it gives a general idea for comparison. My point is that even though the 480 has the higher pixel count (even in pixels per inch) the color will offer better separation because it’s in color.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    more stupid questions.

    Does the color actually give you better target separation, or does it just make it easier to separate the targets?????

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Hi Gary,

    That certainly isnt a stupid question, because I asked the same thing.

    Wade and some others answered the color questions in this thread:

    Color Units


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    So, if I have a “trained” eye……….

    The Fishmark 480 is going to give me better target separation.


    The Fisheasy color in 320 will give me easier identification, but not the same target separation. But, with color I can see fish deeper than the structure?

    jumping G-josofats!!!!!!!!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Didn’t I tell ya that the question wasn’t that easy!

    Color units can pick targets out of structure better than greyscale. As far as fish on the bottom, color probably gives a slight advantage. As I mentioned in another post a while back, ultimately a guy needs to go with what makes him feel comfortable and confident. For many folks, that’s the tried and true grayscale unit. I would not, by any means, discourage anyone from getting the 480. Can we make this anymore confusing?

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    If you cant make up your mind… at these prices, purchase both the 480 and 320C and mount them side by side!


    Posts: 4524

    Jolly, have you got the new lowrance stuff yet, or know what is comming?


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Dang it Dave!!!!!!!!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    I was just thinking the same thing!!!!!!!!

    Here is where I’m at. The boat that I bought has a 240 fisheasy on the bow and has a GlobalMap 2000 gps/sonar on the dash. The gps is capable of mapping chips, even though it is old. And it has a good sonar on it. BUT it doesn’t have WAAS…

    However, when I’m running, I want to have 2 separate units for the GPS and the Sonar to make it easier to read.

    So, with that said, I need a good dash mount unit.

    Now, for what I’m going to be using this rig for?
    Muskie fishing
    River walleye jigging/casting

    So, with that said, I really don’t need anything incredibly special, as this boat will not be targeting walleyes off the mud flats of Mille Lacs.

    BUT, I do want to be able to mark good bait fish and read good structure with it……..

    “I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round-n-round……..how I love to watch them roll…………”

    I never thought this could be soooooo difficult…….

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Jolly, have you got the new lowrance stuff yet, or know what is comming?


    Brian, We have some of the info on the new Lowrance products but they aren’t going to on the market for quite a while yet. Lowrance has set some expected release dates on the new products with some being released in December, some January, and some not until February. Production delays are common with all manufacturers so it may be a little later than expected but we should see the whole line in time for Spring. One note of interest is the LMS color units will be 480×480 pixels. I’ll be posting more information on new Lowrance products as I have time and as I get more accurate info (there is still some stuff being worked out on the “drawing board” for the new units).

    Gary, the bottom line is either of these units will work for what you are trying to do. You could probably find a few guys on here who run the 480. Maybe you could even hop a test drive with one of them? I hate to throw one more thing at you, but that GlobalMap 2000 will not run the new Navionics Premium Chip. I don’t know if that’s the “mapping chips” you were referring to in your post or not, but thought I’d make sure you knew.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Has Eagle given you any indication that they will have a product emulator available for download on any of these new color units?

    I think the emulators are a fantastic freebie. You can play with the unit at the comfort of your computer and know it like the back of your hand before the actual unit even arrives in the mail.

    It would be nice to have one on the 500C series….


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Dave, I haven’t heard that they will but I am sure they’ll have them on the website at some point. When they post the emulators they will be on the Eagle Website here… If I hear anything I’ll let you know. Thanks — Wade

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    I hate to throw one more thing at you, but that GlobalMap 2000 will not run the new Navionics Premium Chip. I don’t know if that’s the “mapping chips” you were referring to in your post or not, but thought I’d make sure you knew.

    You just rained on my parade, but probably gained a sale……..

    I didn’t know that the Global Map 2000 would not take the new chips. This system has a remote chip card receiver. What chips will this system take?

    I guess now I have to search your website, looking for a gps mapping system with waas………

    How the heck am I going to sell this one to the old lady????

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Gary, I hate to be the one to give you the bad news but that GlobalMap 2000 is really outdated. Here’s a list of the Lowrance units that will run Navionics chips.

    Here’s a list of units that will run Navionics Hotmaps Premium #10 chips , and you can add the new Eagle units to that list as well.

    I have some questions for you Gary… You said this rig will be used on the river and for Musky fishing. I’m assuming you have one boat, correct? Are you planning to use this boat on Mille Lacs? If so, are you wanting to use the new Navionics Maps (Hotmaps Premium #10 with the 1-foot Mille Lacs contours)?

    Maybe it would be best for you to email or PM your number and I can help you understand what all the options would be, depending on what your wants/needs are. Your situation probably calls for a little phone therapy.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Shot me an email @ [email protected]

    I got to figure out what I have to do here to get setup right. I need the map chip for Tonka, Mille Lacs, and LOTW.

    Why, oh why do I feel that I’m going to have to give my fiance’ a VERY expensive Christmas to make it through this………………………….

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Email sent. I don’t think it has to be as bad as you might think…

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Email sent. I don’t think it has to be as bad as you might think…

    Spoken like a true salesman!!

    Seriously, thanks for all your info Wade!!!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Hey Wade,
    I have an Eagle Fishfinder 320 and a Bottom Line Champion HR on my boat. I discussed replacing the bottom line unit with a LCX-15M Lowrance unit (with you on another post) then I discovered it was going to be discontinued. You indicated the LMC-20C or the LCX-17 units would replace the LCX-15M. My question is what will the LCM-20C and/or X-17 do that the Eagle SeaCharter 500C DF with GPS won’t do? Which will have the bigger display area? I am thinking of possibly upgrading the Eagle 320
    with the Eagle 500C DF as a possible solution. Resolution, Display size, Ease of Operation, GPS capability, Speed and Temp. are all important features to me. Looking for the best unit, not necessarily the cheapest. Thanks!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Hey Wade,
    I have an Eagle Fishfinder 320 and a Bottom Line Champion HR on my boat. I discussed replacing the bottom line unit with a LCX-15M Lowrance unit (with you on another post) then I discovered it was going to be discontinued. You indicated the LMC-20C or the LCX-17 units would replace the LCX-15M. My question is what will the LCM-20C and/or X-17 do that the Eagle SeaCharter 500C DF with GPS won’t do? Which will have the bigger display area? I am thinking of possibly upgrading the Eagle 320
    with the Eagle 500C DF as a possible solution. Resolution, Display size, Ease of Operation, GPS capability, Speed and Temp. are all important features to me. Looking for the best unit, not necessarily the cheapest. Thanks!

    Good question. The 20C may have the most to offer with a larger screen size. I don’t have all the specs yet and I hate to say too much without good data. The other features will be pretty similar – speed, temp., color, ease of operation.

    That Eagle SeaCharter 500C is a great unit for the money. For a little more money, the Lowrance LMS 332C might be the best buy for 2005. We should have more information next week (possibly even later this week). But, from what I am hearing so far the 332C will be about the same as the 330C but will have 480×480 pixels in color. That’s probably what you’ll find on my boat come Spring!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Thanks Wade, I appreciate the G2!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Update on the Eagle Color units. The FishElite 500C, Intellimap 500C, Seacharter 500C DF, Fishmark 500C, and the SeaFinder 500C DF are all shipping now.

    Eagle Fishfinders

    Also, in a previous post in this thread I mentioned the Lowrance LCX-20C and that was an error. I meant to note the Lowrance LCX-25C. The LCX-25C will be a GREAT unit. I am not thrilled about the pixel count on the LCX-20C. It’s not enough pixels for the large screen in my opinion. I already cleared that up privately with Mr. EyeJacker but wanted to make sure I posted the correction here as well.

    And John, you should have you new Navionics Premium North chip in hand next week.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Saaaawwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! I’m probably going to mount the 500 this weekend. I have to find a RAM mount today. Would it look funny pulling my boat across Minnetonka this time of year?? Hey, I’m just using my GPS/Navionics combo!! The wife could drive while I sat in the boat reading the GPS.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    John, you do what you gotta do man!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I suppose it would look a little funny and I could probably only use one line from the boat. I’d still like to see the looks on the fisherman’s faces.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Kooty, I think as long as you have to cut a hole in the ice, you can use 2 lines. It would sure make trolling a bisatch though. Good Luck and TAKE PICTURES!

    By the way, how is it that you can have a new baby and spend money like a drunken sailor??? If you’re giving classes, sign me up!

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