Mississippi River Chips

  • BassHog
    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    I have a LMS-480 with a Navionics Gold series chip but am looking to purchase a chip for the mississippi river (14-4) If anyone knows a chip that covers all or any of this area and that is compatible with lowrance please let me know.


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Which chip do you have? You said Gold, but which chip exactly please? The Navionics Hotmaps Premium #10 would have some coverage of the river system. You can contact Navionics (www.navionics.com) and have them email you some pictures to see exactly what some of the coverage would look like. Just tell them the area you want to see and they’ll send you the images. River coverage is not as good as lake coverage in most areas, so be sure to check it out before you buy. If you decide you want one give me a yell. We’ve got a few more coming in this week.



    Posts: 12

    It the Navionics “Northern US Rivers” 1G918XL3

    Good Luck it was issued May 2004, I have the Gold Chip, its Great.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Glad to hear you like that chip. To tell you the truth, the river charts slipped my mind. Most of the guys I talk to buy the Premium chip because they want lakes too. I’m not sure how much different the detail is between these two charts, as far as the river goes. Again, a guy could contact Navionics to get images of both for comparison.

    River Charts

    Hotmaps Premium Chip

    Good luck!

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