Does anyone know if this is true?
I bought a St. Croix Premier glass rod @ Gander this spring (only one on the rack) and have really loved it for trolling (leadcore and longline) on the river. Most all my fish caught trolling during this season have come on this rod. For me, it has the right amount tip action to monitor a ticking crank, but with a slow flex that handles the leadcore well and quite solidly registers a strike.
I sometimes go to Gander over my lunch hour and have kept an eye for another one, since I’d like to have a set for when a non-trolling buddy or my son comes along.
I was @ Cabelas in Prairie last night and while waiting for them to pull an order I asked if they had any. They didn’t. Furthermore, the salesman said that they were discontinued and were not getting anymore. Please say it isn’t so!
Joe Jiacinto