Snap weights

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    Was out on a shopping spree last week, ended up buying a reel with line counter, and snap weights and a bunch of other things I swore I needed. Two problems with this new equipment: I’ve never used either. I’ve been searching the net for how to fish snap weights, I’ve found many articles on what they are, and how to attach them to the line, but what I am looking for is an example on how to fish them. Scenario – fishing 17-22 ft on the croix with a #7 rap. How much weight should I put on, how do I know when I am running the rig right. I remember reading an article James or someone wrote about 3 way rigging and making sure you dropped the rod tip back 3 times, if you felt bottom all three times, you were good. Do I do this with the snap weight?
    Or any other helpful tips from people who have used this before, is it worth using, or should I return? I should also include that I have strung the new reel with 10 mono backer and 20 lb power pro on a 7′ medium rod, I will be towing the rig with my 40 4strk.
    Nice weather we are having, hopefully when it starts to warm at the end of the week the fish strap on the feed bag


    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Jami,snap weights can be a fun and very productive system to use. If fish are hugging the bottom I would start out using spinners and crawlers. Start with a 2 ounce weight and trolling speed between .5 and 1.5mph. Let out 50ft of line and attach a snap weight. Once bottom is established reel up so the weight is not dragging on the bottom. I like using size 5 to 7 gold and silver hammered spinners.

    If fish are suspended I like using shallow running cranks using the 50/50 method. Let out 50ft and attach a snap and then run out another 50ft. Use different weights on each rig to see what the fish prefer. Once you start getting hit swicth the other rigs to same weight. When using deep diving cranks, snap weights will generally take the cranks 5 to 15ft deeper. The thing to rember is not to let the snap weights drag, they are way to expensive to loose to snags.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1820

    You may want to buy the latest Precision Trolling Guide. It has quite a bit of info on trolling with snap weights.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I agree on purchasing the latest Precision Trolling Guide! This publication teaches you how to calculate how much weight to add for your lure’s desired depth. If you’re running live bait, Don’s suggestion is worth getting familiar with as well.

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