Need your input on new charging system..ALLCHARGE!

  • Gianni
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    No problem mailing anything I say here to anybody as far as I know. The area I work in has no overlap with yours, so you don’t need to worry about anything as far as intellectual property goes and I’m more than happy to help out. It seems to me that if you could tie into a significant volume, the cost should come down under a hundred bucks, which would make this a lot more appealing.

    Posts: 14

    Thanks, But as you know when you have to sell things through three step sales keeping anything under 100 bucks is pretty hard. When other systems that do alot less then we do and they are priced at three times of what we are. I really have tried very hard to keep the price down but these big dealers and retail stoes really drive the pricing through the roof.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    FYI, from Marinco/Guest:


    Yes, the spark is normal upon connection and is due to the capacitors inside
    the charger.
    Sue D.

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